Hope for the Best (that's all we can ever do)

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William murmurs something in his sleep and Patrick smiles, tugging him closer so he can hear the sleepy protest at being shifted. William curls closer against his side, arm wrapping around his waist. Satisfaction worms its way deep into Patrick's belly.

Aodhan's foot runs up and down Patrick's leg and he feels a kiss press to the back of his neck. Patrick hums in approval, pleased when that earns a few more kisses peppered across his shoulder where his shirt has slipped down. Teeth nip at the spot right below his ear and move up to catch on this earlobe. His breath hitches and blood rushes to his cheeks as well as down.

"Did you sleep well, my darling?" Aodhan asks, voice scratchy with sleep.

"Better than I have in weeks," he says. It's true- he's rested and happy and safe. It's a better answer than saying he dreamt about Lady Clementine his first night here, which would not be romantic in the slightest.

"Good," Aodhan breathes, laying a few kisses on Patrick's shoulder before nuzzling his head in the crook of Patrick's neck.

They stay in bed a little longer, just because they can. They have no duties to attend to. It's just them. There's no wounded, no war, no strife, no curses. The aftermath- that's not their problem. It's over with and that's more nerve-wracking than Patrick thought it would be. He thought he'd feel free once it was over, and he does, but he also feels anxious- a bit lost.

"What happens now?" he asks nervously at breakfast, graciously accepting the plate of warm food Aodhan shoves his way.

"We live," Aodhan says. "We live here and be together. You and William can continue your studies. I can help the townsfolk and those who come by. Signe promised me she'd come visit. We can build this place up and travel, if we want to- and hope we don't get sucked into anything else."

That sounds nice, Patrick thinks and says as much aloud, but he can't help but think that things won't always be so nice. He supposes they can't be- that's just how life is- but Aodhan has a past, one that'll surely invite problems. William's the same way. Oliver's still out there (with Alistair no less) and Patrick knows that William worries about him. Should I tell him? No, I shouldn't- unless I need to.

Despite all the endless future possibilities that are stressful if he thinks about them too much, Patrick is satisfied. He's not where he wanted to be, but he's somewhere- somewhere that isn't all that bad now that he's here.

Lena should have made it out with me, he thinks.

Only she didn't and he has no idea where he'd be if she did. He doesn't want to think about impossible things, so he pushes down the sudden sickness and smiles when William shoots him a concerned look, leaning into the gentle hand laid on his cheek.

"I'm okay," he assures, kissing William's palm to make him smile.

William's lips instantly pull into a smile at the action like Patrick knew they would, but a glimmer of worry lingers in his eyes. Patrick smiles, grabbing William's hand and squeezing, heart doing something funny in his chest. William worries about him.

He feels Aodhan press a kiss to his head and sees him lean to kiss William's as he takes their plates away. Emotions smack Patrick in the face right then and out of nowhere, tears well in his eyes and he's suddenly so... overwhelmed.

William makes a distressed noise and his skinny arms gather Patrick up against his chest. Patrick slumps against him, relieved to be caught in a hug instead of finding himself alone. William's presence is comforting, but not in the same way Aodhan is. Aodhan is knowledge and steady calmness and acceptance, while William is softer in a way that Aodhan can't be, although he's kind.

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