Into Eternity

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The morning brings a strange sort of numbness that feels much like sadness. Patrick tries to blink it away- the heaviness of his eyelids, but he feels- feels- feels. His heart hurts and he can't discern a particular reason why. It wasn't there last night, but it's here now.

I miss Lena, he thinks. Is that why I'm sad?

Aodhan and William are still sleeping, so he carefully untangles himself from them and stretches to kiss them both on the cheek as he gets up. Neither of them stir and Patrick smiles, strangely close to tears. He summons Ivo, who curls up between them at Patrick's command.

He spots Tiffany, a familiar face, sitting by the cookfire. An empty plate sits by her knee, a steaming cup of what smells like black tea by her side. She's sharpening her sword, polishing the edges. Seeing her do so reminds him he needs to clean Clarity up, as his sword got banged up during the last battle.

"Hi, Tiffany," he greets, sitting on the floor in front of her so he can feel the warmth of the fire.

"Patrick," she says. "I didn't expect to see you."

He shrugs. "I woke up early and I saw you- thought you might need company."

Tiffany's lips quirk into a half smile and she says, "I suppose I do. How are you faring?"

"Better than two days ago, but I could be even better. And you?"

"Ah, the same. I am glad we've reached peace."

Patrick wouldn't call it peace, knowing what he knows, but he smiles and nods and agrees because Tiffany is like he could have been, once upon a time. He stays with her and eats breakfast and drinks tea, then brings some food to Aodhan and William when they wake up.

"You always leave Ivo with me when you go somewhere. When did that start?" William murmurs, accepting the cup of tea Patrick offers him.

"Oh, I don't know," Patrick says shyly, dodging the pinch Aodhan tries to bestow upon the fat of his cheek.

The look Aodhan gives him is heated and though he dodged the pinch to his cheek, he doesn't even try to move away from the kiss. William laces their fingers together and scoots closer to him, so the three of them are a romantic circle, legs pressed together. They have the illusion they aren't in a camp, surrounded by numerous other people.

In the company of his- his- people, he feels himself begin to lighten, to feel comforted just by basking in their presence. He squeezes William's hand, which makes him look over and smile, a soft questioning look on his face. Patrick opens his mouth to say something, he doesn't know what, but nothing comes out.

"Nevermind," he says.

William smiles and looks down at their hands. Aodhan's hand comes to tuck Patrick's hair behind his ear, fingers caressing the soft skin on his cheek. Patrick leans into the touch, pleased when Aodhan smiles at him. Aodhan's other hand rests on William's thigh- safe, there.

"We can go to Volcanta," Aodhan says. "Signe can take us quickly."

The look in William's eyes when he's focused on Aodhan is adoration and Patrick can't help but wonder if that same softness is reflected in him, at him. It's a strange feeling- this closeness. It's frightening and thrilling and wonderful all at once.

"They don't need you here?" William asks.

"I no longer have the protection of the Seelie," Aodhan tells him, "but that means I'm no longer sworn to Rozenn because of them. Tove can handle things here. We can have our own life."

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