First Frost

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Unfortunately, getting something done quickly isn't always an option. Fall has been slowly, but surely, turning the leaves of all the trees it can. The filthy slush of snow encountered on the way to Maesity has transformed into the first proper snow of the year.

When Patrick wakes up the next morning, he's chilled to the bone. Shivering, he slides out of bed and pads over to the window on bare feet. He opens the latch and swings the window open so he can poke his head out. The entire expanse of the castle is coated in a thick layer of snow, which a few soldiers are shoveling away in areas that people need access to. Patrick's glad he and William didn't end up passing out on the terrace.

Patrick can recall two instances where it snowed in Vertbank and part of him wants to go run around in the snow like a little kid. He stops himself from doing so, but only just, and quickly goes to dress. He finds woolen clothes deeper in the wardrobe and puts those on before going out in the hall to Lena's door. He knocks until she opens up with a scratchy looking dyed pink dress half sliding off her shoulders.

"Good morning," Patrick greets, sounding far more chipper than he truly feels.

Lena offers a half smile, fiddling with the laces of her dress with one hand and keeping the other pressed against her breasts so the garment doesn't fall down.

"Help me lace this up, would you?"

Patrick nods, stepping inside her room and shutting the door behind him. She turns around and he tightens the laces of her dress until it's flush against her back. It doesn't look very comfortable, but it must be warm at least. He ties the bottom off with a little bow and then pats her shoulder.

"All done," he informs.

He wonders if she's going to say something about her rats, and he waits for her to do so, but she stays mum about it.

"Thank you," Lena says and runs her hand along the wall until she finds the door handle. "Do you think they'll have breakfast out?"

Patrick watches her fingers close around the knob. They look stiff and at first he figures it's from the sudden cold, but then he realizes that a few more slivers of skin have been overtaken by gold.

She hesitates once outside the room the moment she hits the stone floor. Her toes clink softly, like the toasting of wine glasses. She presses her lips together before stepping back inside onto the fur rug.

"I better put on shoes, then," she comments as she starts to feel around for socks.

Patrick watches her toes, solid gold, as they disappear into knit socks and then into boots. She ties up the laces as quickly as she can manage and then heads out again.

"I heard the men talking about it snowing earlier."

"Aye, it snowed quite a bit last night," Patrick confirms.

"I want to go jump in it."

Patrick can't hold back the smile that threatens to rip his face in two. "Me too."

"I hope we don't have to travel in it."

Patrick hadn't thought of that until now. "I reckon that we will. It will take too long for the snow to clear up and I think winter will only get worse the farther we go up."

"Damn. Perhaps Aithne will take pity on us."

"I doubt she likes the cold, either."

Patrick pushes the door to the dining hall open with the palm of his hand, looking around for anyone else.

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