Desires and Secrets

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JJ POV.. I stood before my mirror and applied my makeup... Tonight was the night I hoped that Reid would notice me... Not as a friend but a woman...I was dressed to kill... My red mini was on the boarder line of sleazy, but casual bc it was low enough to touch my knees.. My red bottom shoes made my legs appear longer than they were... I decided to crinkle my hair, so it had that wild and sexy look... Red and black makeup painted my face, classy but seductive at the same time... I added a little juicy perfume behind my ears  and neck.... I looked at myself and smiled, bc even if I didn't snatch Reid tonight, he would definitely notice me.. My thoughts traveled back to when Reid and I went to that baseball game... I don't know why I didn't snatch him up then.. He was so innocent then, so unsure of himself, that I treated him like a younger brother to keep him at ease... But he had grown since then, into a man, a real man... Morgan didn't deserve him, bc I knew without a doubt he would hurt him.. Morgan will always be a ladies man, a hit it and quit it man..I couldn't understand for the life of me, why he went after Reid and why the hell Reid would put himself in the position to be hurt... The team accepted their relationship but I didn't...I suggested the club tonight, bc I knew Morgan world flirt and dance with any woman that appoarched him.. and Spence would sit and watch with that pained look in his eyes...I would be right there to comfort him, shit at least I would be near him all night.. I smiled as I walked to my car.... Tonight I was seeing my Spence.. Yes my Spence

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