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Royalty's POV

I walk in the office with a big smile on my face. Amber is already sitting on her desk working, when she looks up at me and looks at me suspiciously.

"Someone looks happy this morning." She said and stops what she was doing. "Did you finally do the deed?"

"Seriously?" I chuckle.

"I mean you can't blame me. You have this sort of glow on you." She smirks. I playfully roll my eyes and entered my cabin.

I sit down on my desk and start drinking my smoothie. It had banana, Apple, mango with oats and some yogurt in it. I take out my paper works filling them in. My first patient of the day would be here in about an hour.

I smile to myself thinking about what happened this morning with me and Alejandro. I try to focus when I hear my phone ring. I look at my phone to see a notification from Alejandro.

{Alejandro:} Miss you already.

I read the message and smile at how ridiculous he is acting.

{Me:} Don't be ridiculous, you just saw me an hour ago.

{Alejandro:} So? It feels like eternity since I've been with you. I just want my little bunny with me.

{Me:} Oh my gosh, stop being dramatic.

{Alejandro:} Aww doesn't my bunny miss me? I'm truly hurt.

{Me:} Fine. I miss you too.

{Alejandro:} Was that so hard to admit?

{Me:} Ain't you suppose to be in an important meeting?

{Alejandro:} Yeah, I'm meeting up with the investors and they boring me to death. I don't even know what they on about.

{Me:} Maybe if you focus more, you'll know what they talking about, smart ass.

I put my phone down hoping I'll immediately receive a message from him, but a few minutes pass without a word. I started getting impatient.

{Me:} Are you still alive? I type in the message thinking wether I should send it. I hit the sent button, and still no reply from him.

I sigh and put down my phone. Every minute I kept checking if he has sent a message yet. Maybe he's busy. I had no clue why I am acting like this. I mean even with the guys I've been with before, I've never acted like this.

After a while i give up and focus on my work. I hear a knock on the door and I look up to see one of my co-worker Oliver standing at the door.

"Hey Royalty, can you please borrow me your notes on one of your patients who was a drug addict?" He said as he walks in and stands at the far end of my desk.

"Sure, what do you need for?" I ask him, as I stand up from my chair and went to check where I keep my patients files.

"I have a patient who is a drug addict and I'm trying to find a way to help her," Oliver sighs and I turn to see him rubbing his neck nervously. "She's really difficult. I mean she almost trashed my office one time."

I gasp. "What happened?"

I find the file on one of my patients Bernard Anderson. He started taking drugs at the age of 16, and worked as a street dealer for the mafia.

His parents disowned him, got arrested and went to jail for 6 years when he was 18 years old. After founding out he had a small child, he wanted to change his ways. He went to rehab and took him a while for him to leave the mafia.

When he started therapy about 3 weeks ago. He's battling with his past demons, and he almost went back to taking drugs. Slowly I started helping him, it's taking some progress but we getting there.

"She hasn't been taking drugs for about a week, and she starting throwing things around my office." He answered. I hand him the file and give him a sad smile.

"Don't worry about it, you just need to be patient with her." I tell him. He nods and takes the file.

"Thanks, this will help." With that said he left my office.

My phone rings and I look at it to see Alejandro's name pop up. After a while he just only answered my message. It read:

{Alejandro:} Sorry Sweetheart, I had to get focus on the meeting.

{Me:} Oh it's ok, I understand.

{Alejandro:} you not angry with me are you?

{Me:} Of course not you silly goose.

{Alejandro:} Ok that's great, because I want to ask you something.

I read the message and my heart started racing. I wonder what he wants to ask me.

{Me:} Ok what is it?

{Alejandro:} One of my investors are having a Gala tomorrow night and I want you to come with me as my date.

{Me:} I would love too, but I don't know what to wear.

{Alejandro:} Don't worry about that bunny. I got it all covered.

"Uhm Royalty, there people here to see you." Amber said over the phone. I'm wondering who those people are.

"Ok, can you let them in." I tell her. My office door opens and I see two men wearing suits. I frown not understanding what's going on.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I said agitating. I stand from my desk and point to the couch gesturing they should take a seat.

"Miss Royalty Martinez. I am FBI agent Jones and this is my partner Siege." The man with dark hair and hazel eyes said showing me his badge.

"Nice to meet you officer Jones, can I help you with anything?" I ask him.

"Yes, we've went through your records and saw you used work at United state Penitentiary prison. I believe one of your patients was Alejandro Rodriguez, who is known as Rodriguez De Grieff. We want you to help us catch him."

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