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Royalty's POV

It was shocking that Summer's daughter has the same eyes as Rodriguez, but I didn't want to question it, so I didn't say anything about it and I wasn't sure if it's Rodriguez's child, but if it is her daughter does he even know that he has one. I looked at his records there was not one mention of a child.

Tonight I decided to make dinner for Summer and her daughter. I also realized that I don't even know her name. I decided to make my famous lasagna, that my mother taught me how to do it, and her mother taught her.

I place the plates on the table and put my lasagna on the table. "Summer dinner's ready."

I see Summer coming out with her daughter. She was very adorable. My worry was that Summer was struggling to raise her, but she was a great mother to her.

"Mmm, what's the smell?" She sniffs and takes sit on the table and places her daughter next to her.

"You can dish up for yourself." I smile and take a seat across her.

I watched as she cut a piece for her daughter and for herself. She had a kind nature. You could see through her eyes that she went through alot in life, but one thing there was something that was really bothering her. I was very curious about what was going on in her life. It will take a bit of time and effort to make her open up her feelings. I was willing to help her. Something about her made me want to help her.

"I've just realized that I don't know her name." I said trying to start a conversation.

"Her name is Adrianna, her father gave her that name." She answered me as she took a bite on the lasagna. So he knows he has a daughter.

I nod. "Tell me about him."

I could see she looked troubled about what I just asked. Something about him sent shivers to her, I can't tell what it is but it is troubling her.

"I'm really sorry, if you not comfortable it's ok." I drop the topic, it became a very awkward moment. It seemed as if she had a bad past with this guy.

"It's really ok, it's just I don't like talking about him." My lips formed a straight line as I nod understanding what she got going on. I didn't want to say anything to make her feel uncomfortable,  so I just went with the flow.  We finish our dinner and I take our plates and put them in the sink.

"I'm taking Adrianna to bed," She picks up Adrianna and goes to the room. I finish up the dishes as summer puts her daughter to sleep. After finishing up I throw myself on the couch and lay my head back to relax my neck.

I feel someone sit next to me. We both cuddle on the couch as Summer grabbed the TV remote and switched  on the tv. My Netflix account was already connected so we decided to watch When they see us.

After five hours of watching the series, I cried at the end. It was so sad. It was already 12 at night and tomorrow I'm going to work. I needed my full 8 hour sleep. Summer was already asleep and tomorrow she had to wake up very early for work. I woke her up to go sleep and went to my bedroom.


I hear my alarm ring. It was 7 am, I took a shower, did my hair and wore my clothes. It only took me 30 minutes to do everything. I went to the kitchen to make smoothie. I disliked Mondays and today I was hoping today it would be better at work than other days.

I was about to open the fridge when I see a note sticking on the side of the handle.

Morning, I was running late today. I was hoping you could drop Adrianna at her pre-school down the street. I called in to tell them you'll be dropping her. I hope I'm not asking alot. Thank you. ♥♥

Love Summer

P.S. her stuff are already packed so no need to do anything else.

I smile at the note and went to Adrianna's room. She was still sound asleep. I went to close her bed and picked her up to get her ready.

"Mommy," She said in her sweet voice while she rubbed her eyes.

I got her ready in 10 minutes, I grabbed my stuff and took Adrianna's hand as we went down to the basement were my car parked.

As I was putting the seat belt on Adrianna, I hear footsteps coming closer to us. I turn around but see no one. I close the door and walk to the driver's seat.

As I was about to open the door, I feel a hand blocking from opening the door. My heart started beating so quickly and I turn around to look at who the person waa.

"Relax sweetheart." I turn to see man wearing all black. He had light golden brown eyes.

"Here, deliver this straight straight to Rodriguez. He knows who it's from." The stranger looks around and gives me a black file. He immediately leaves before I could ask any questions.

Now I was wondering how this man even knows, I know Rodriguez. It can't be that he was the one who told him about me. This is really turning into a real show. I don't feel safe anymore. My hands were shaking as I open the door.

I can't be doing this, it could get me in trouble and I could lose my job over this, even my licence. I didn't want to open it cause I knew it would make things worse.

If I get this to Rodriguez, I'd lose my job. I give this to Antoine, I die or get kidnapped or whatever the mafia does to torture people. I sigh and drive away.

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