#(25) Attack at Midnight

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"Fahad! Wake up! We are in London!" I hear Fathima's voice waking me up.

I see my head on my arms.I didn't even realize when I fell asleep.

"Come, hurry!"

"Yes,here I come."

We get out of train and it is still night.Though the London city never sleeps.

"It's midnight! That means he is going to meet the killer now! Let's go there".

" Really? Won't we go to home?"

" No!"

" Ok,but where we will go?"

" Are you still in your dreams?"

" No, I am standing awaken ! In front of you!" I say while rubbing my eyes with fingers.

" Hurry, I will call Chen to know their location."


I feel very sleepy that I even can't get what exactly is going to happen.

" Yes,Chen,where are you?"

"AM I talking to Miss Clare?" (Chen's answer)

"Who is Clare? I am Fathima! Fathima Rahman! Detective Agent!"Fathima shouts in phone.

" Stop ! Stop it ! You are ruining my plan!" I say showing my hand towards Fathima.

She looks totally clueless.

She says while moving her phone from her ear so that Chen doesn't hear," What plan? Ain't I Fathima?
Who's Clare? Oh my Allah! I got it.
You are planning to replace a new detective in my place? Aren't you?"
Her angry face start growing red as apple.

I say," No! You are getting wrong! Talk to Chen as Miss CLARE! I will tell you that later".

Her angry glare still haven't gone of her face while she grins," Chen,say it.
I Aam Clare.Where are you now? Have you been following that man?"
She mutters 'Clare' with a hatred in her tone.

"Yes,we have been successful to follow him.I am sending the location.
Is Mr Wood with you?"

"Now who is Mr Wood?" She says with frowned eyes, annoyed smile.

"It's me! It's me!" I say patting my chest.

" What are you guys doing?" She whispers annoyingly.

" Oh yes,he is." She says in her call.

She cuts her call with a angrier look at me.

I try to smile and say "I-I actually thought fake names of ours,so that the killer doesn't get information"...

" That's good.THAT'S Really GOOD!
But did you only find these ugly names in earth?"

" Uh...hehehe".


I hate the way she mocks.But I was thinking the other moment when she is going to know that I told Mr Gateson that we are on a date.I can see it in my future eyes.

We walk to the location which Chen send to Fathima.

The soundless silence of the place are making us more worried. It's an old construction building.Surely the killer has chosen a right place to talk with him.We are taking our next steps more cautiously than the first's.

"Where are they?" Fathima whispers.

"I don't know.Should I call Chen?"

" No,stupid."

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