#(17)Dr. Daniel's killer or Dr. Daniel is the killer?

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The sun is setting upon the London Bridge. I can see it through the window of car. We are going to Mr. Gateson's office. Only Allah knows what is happening!

Before going to Mr.Gateson's office, Fathima requests Mr. Gateson to give us some time for Magrib prayer. Mr Gateson is kind enough in these religious things. After saying the prayer,we go in Mr. Gateson's office to discuss the matter. There Mr.Gateson is waiting for us very eagerly.

"Come fast! Tell me what's going on?" Mr Gateson gets worried as well as suspicious.

"Sir, First we need to sit. " Flix says pointing his eyes at the chair and the round table.

"Ok, ok, sit down and start to tell me what have you two gotten? "

I and Fathima sit in two chairs and I take out the suicide letter of Dr. Daniel from my pocket which I kept in a plastic bag.I place it in the table.

"Sir, Dr. Daniel hasn't written this suicide note, "Fathima says calmly.

" Yes, he hasn't. " I agree.


I point my fingers in the letter and I say,

"Look sir,you said that Dr.Daniel was a pious and religious man.He is a Christian.But he wrote ' Oh my Allah' here and  after that he wrote 'Oh Jesus Christ!' .Why would he write two different things?"

" Yes,yes, I didn't notice it!" He overacts it.

" Secondly,he didn't clear the things much. Like according to his letter, he wanted to get those chemicals from Mr.Rahim to read his daughter's diary who had dead 5 years ago. But Mr.Rahim didn't give him that so, he killed him. BUT! he didn't take those chemicals after killing Mr.Rahim! The chemicals were there! We found them!"

" No, no, you are missing something, Fathima.When we got those chemicals ,the yellow chemical bottle was half used! Remember?"I say.

" Yeah! Mr Fahad's right! " Mr Gateson exclaims in high tone,his eyebrows dance in a mixed up emotion.

" Oh yes,he is right but there's another thing.If he only wanted to take that chemicals then why would he left those after taking?  It's a solid evidence! He could hidden them from us!Moreover he had stolen the chemicals later! And the diary? Remember? Why would he write the diary for us? The killer wrote the diary into a riddle and he wanted us to go to the London Bridge so that his hired woman can snactch the diary from us!" Fathima says very worrily.

" Yes, he hasn't mentioned that woman also." Flix says.

"And  that Detective's name? Truth? These things are done by the killer! But Dr.Daniel hasn't said anything about that! This can be  like a story made up by the real killer to frame Dr.Daniel !" Fathima answers to Flix.

" Wait! Maybe Dr.Daniel has a partner? Remember we found two fingerprints! It can be that Dr.Daniel and his partner killed Mr.Rahim.But the intention of Dr Daniel is to get those chemicals but the unknown killer's intention is still unknown to us.There is a chance that the other killer first helped Dr.Daniel in murdering Mr.Rahim and then he killed him to clear all the evidence! He has made up this suicide!" I say to them.

" May I come in?" Suddenly Chen interferes in our discussion.

"Yes,come." Mr.Gateson says.

I observe Mr Gateson being a bit nervous.

He sits beside Flix.And he says,

" I want to say something."

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