#(20)Tear your cloth!What!

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(Fathima's POV)

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(Fathima's POV)

"And you know that? Last month,a new picture of Star movies released!
You won't believe it is a blockbuster hit!"Mrs.Ruby says as if it is a big news like we have found the killer.

Even I would not react like that if I found the killer! She is melodramatic!

"Uh,Mrs.Ruby,if you don't mind can we talk about you and Mr.David now? I would like to know how you came to UK from Bangladesh...." I say.

" Ok, I don't mind.Let me tell you...My and David's marriage is like a film also!"

Wallah! Again films?

" I came to study and we were in same University....When I met David I was a shy and introvert girl...." Mrs.Ruby says blushing.

" You were shy? From which side?" Mr.David says with a huge concern on his face.

Mrs.Ruby gives an angry look at him which makes him stop to speak anything further.

"Ours is a love marriage, you know..."
Mrs Ruby says and hits my hand with her hand,undeliberately.

"Ouch" I say out of pain.

Fahad ups his head out of his laptop and says quickly,

"Are you alright?"

"Oh Really sorry," Mrs Ruby says biting her tongue.

" I am okay.Don't worry!"

" What happened to your arm?"

" Uh...."

" It's just an accident.Please be careful ." Fahad says with a rude look.

"Hm.....looks like Mr Fahad cares about you...." Mrs Ruby says with a tauntful smirk.

" No, there's nothing like that.I was only saying because her arm is....um... injured and I have to do her works if her arm gets more worse....hehehe... It's not what you think....I mean..." Fahad says the words with nervousness in both his tone and face.

"Ok,ok, you don't have to be that worried."

I blush but I try hard to hide it.

"I want to use the washroom, excuse me for a moment," Mrs Ruby says with much politeness.

"Let me come with you." Mr David adds.

They leave the compartment soon.

"How ARE YOU bearing that trouble?"
Fahad says with much anger.

"What do you mean?"

"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! You should not had let them come here! She is driving you crazy! She even hurt your hand! "

" Fahad,have patience.Allah loves patience.She is not that bad! She is just talkative! I am listening,ain't I?"

" You really are patient.But I am not! I will not let her sit beside you anymore! "Fahad says while standing up from his sit and coming towards my side.

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