#(18) Meteor Shower

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Ugh! This Fahad! When he solves case he is a genius! But when I talk to him,he acts like a real dumb!

"Fathima! Wait!" Fahad calls me from behind.

I try to walk more fast.No, I am actually running on my feet.

"I can see meteor shower from my own terrace!" I say while walking.The anger overbrimmed in my tone.

" You can't! Wait! You don't even know from where it is coming! You don't have a telescope also!"

I stop on my feet realizing that I really can't see it without him.He comes running and he holds his hands at his knees.He is taking deep breaths as if he has run a long distance.

"Oh My Allah,you walk so fast!"

"Why are you bothering me?"

"No, don't you want to watch meteor shower?" He politely asks,his hands on his knees after he straightly ran after me.

" Yes, I want.That's why I stopped!" I pitying his poor sense, finally agree to him.

" But,if....you don't mind can I ask you something?"

" Shoot it!" I start trailing again but with slow steps so that he can catch his breath.

" What wrong did I say?" He inquires like a totally innocent child.

" Youu............Ugh!" I hit the ground hard.

Again I start walking fast.That stupid is super annoying!!!!!

"No,wait.not again! I can't run more! Ok ok , I will not ask anything! Let's go to my terrace!" He says in a speedy reply.

I again stop and wait for him to come beside me.Then I start walking with him.

"Soo...." He tries to say something.

"No! Don't say anything! " I stop him before he can say anything more that will annoy me to the last limit.

He puts his finger at his mouth.And we start walking silently.

Suddenly a thing cross my mind and I say,

"Wait! Will it be good to go to your home at this late? What 'bout your parents?"

"Can I speak now?" He says with a lower voice.

Oh Allah! Is he really stupid?

"Yes, you can." I say with a sharp voice.

" There will be no probs. There is a backstairs in our home which lead directly to my terrace.We can use that . My parents will not even know you came here."

" But.... that's really weird.Like,why are we hiding it? "

"So that,they don't worry."

"that's also."

" Don't worry.It's okay.Are you thinking if anyone finds,what will they say? Or think?"

" No, I am not worrying that.As long as Allah is watching us,why should we worry about what others are thinking?"

" That's true."

" He is great and more than any greater witness."


" That's good."

We again start walking, silently.

" Wait! There's one problem!"

"What now?"

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