Russel: Ursa! Ursa!

He runs right into Yang, who isn't phased by the collision. She grabs him by his collar.

Yang: What?! Where?!

He points behind himself.

Russel: Back there! It's got Cardin!

Yang drops him, and he runs off with his other teammates. Vergil drops his jar as realization hits him. Pyrrha does the same.

Pyrrha/Vergil: Jaune!/Jaune.

Ruby runs over with Blake.

Ruby: Yang! You and Blake go get Professor Goodwitch!

Pyrrha turns to Ren and Nora, who have their weapons drawn.

Pyrrha: You two go with them! There could be more!

Ren: On it!

They follow after Blake and Yang, leaving Vergil, Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha.

Vergil: Let's go.

The four of them run where RDL came from. After a few minutes, they find Cardin being backed up by a large Ursa Major, and Jaune struggling to defend the downed bully. Weiss, with Myrtenaster, begins to charge, but Pyrrha stops her.

Pyrrha: Wait!

Weiss stops in her tracks, and Pyrrha motions to watch. Meanwhile, Jaune barely blocks an incoming swipe from the Ursa with his shield. He slashes at its belly with Crocea Mors, causing it to lash out and charge him like an angry bull. He rolls out of the way, and the giant bear Grimm comes back swinging wildly. Jaune blocks the flurry, and jumps back. He looks down at his scroll, and his aura is blinking red. With a rush of adrenaline, he lunges at the Ursa, as it also runs towards him. Right before they clash, Pyrrha lifts her arm, and a black aura surrounds it. The same glow surrounds Jaune's shield, and it seems to move on its own, blocking a swipe that could have killed him. While surprised from the sudden move, Jaune steps forward, and slashes the Ursa's neck, decapitating it.

Ruby: Umm...what?

Weiss: How...did you?

Pyrrha: Well, Ruby has her speed. Vergil has his devil trigger, and you have your glyphs. My Semblance is polarity.

Ruby looks at her in amazement.

Ruby: Whoa, you can control poles?

Weiss/Vergil: No, you dunce! She means magnetism!/It means she controls magnetism, Ruby.

The two look at each other, and Weiss glances away shyly.

Ruby: Magnets are cool, too...

Pyrrha begins to walk away, and Vergil looks over at Jaune, who is approaching Cardin.

Cardin: H-holy crap, Jaune!

Jaune offers him a hand, and he takes it. Pulling him up roughly, Jaune glares at him.

Jaune: Don't ever mess with my team, my friends, ever again. Got it?

Cardin nods swiftly, and Jaune lets go of him while walking away. Soon, Goodwitch arrives with Yang, Blake, Ren and Nora. RDL are also with them, hanging their heads low.

Goodwitch: You have no idea how much danger you four put your fellow classmates in. As punishment, you be placed under suspension immediately--

Vergil: Ah, that won't be necessary, Professor Goodwitch.

He steps forward, and Goodwitch looks at him curiously.

Goodwitch: What do you mean, Mr. Sparda?

Vergil: I shall put them in their place. If anything, it has been a long time coming. I'm feeling bored, so I'll give them a chance. If they can defeat me in a match, they will go unpunished. But when I win, their punishment proceeds as planned.

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