24. Alex Bianchi, jealous? As if.

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What's your all time favorite series? I'll have to Friends for me. I LOVE IT!

Chapter 24.

Alex Bianchi, jealous? As if.


"No, I don't want to watch that."

"Come on! I heard it's really amazing."

"No, I don't watch Netflix. I watch the News."

I snorted. "That's why you are so boring."

Alex glared at me. "I am not boring."

"Then watch it with me." I smiled, raising my eyebrows, daring him to say no.

Alex groaned, closing his laptop. "Fine but just one episode."

"Two." I bargained, grinning and starting the first episode.

"No, one." Alex argued, groaning as he sat and seized the popcorn bowl from my bowl.

"Hey!" I protested, reaching for my cheese popcorn.

Alex leaned back, his arm with the popcorn bowl stretching behind his back. "I am watching this stupid series for you. So you will let me eat more popcorn."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Should have made caramel popcorn." I grumbled, knowing how he hated caramel popcorn.

Alex grinned, shrugging his shoulder happily and stuffing an entire fist of popcorn in his mouth.

I stared at him in disgust, twisting my lips. "How mature!"

"I am watching this stupid series. I can do it." Alex argued.

"It's not stupid." I protested, "You are stupid." I quietly added.


"Nothing. It's starting, watch." I pointed at the huge screen.

Stranger Things started on it.

"Why haven't you watched it yet?" Alex asked.

I sighed. "I can't watch incomplete series. I have this weird thing about sad endings, so I need to know how it ends to watch it."

Alex turned his eyes at me. "Is that even real?"

I nodded. "Yes, I know Titanic has a sad ending so never watched it. Even The fault in our stars. If I know the ending is sad, I can't watch it."

"So this ending is happy?"

"It's not complete yet."

"So why are we watching it?"

"Because I heard it good and I need to get over this obsession of knowing the ending."

Alex shrugged a shoulder, eating popcorn. "Suit yourself. Don't cry on my shoulder if it's sad."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to the screen.

I rested my head slowly and carefully on his shoulder, anxious that he might push me away. But when he didn't move and let me stay. I smiled slightly, getting comfortable in the embrace I so craved.

After 3 hours we were both gawking and still wanting to see more, unfortunately my phone rang and we had to pause.

"See I told you it was good." I smiled in victory as I picked up my phone.

Alex didn't argue. He couldn't, he was the one who suggested we watch the second and third episode as well.

"Hey Ziv." I greeted.

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