2. You are a woman, you don't bow bitch.

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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. You are a woman, you don't bow bitch.

8.40 am, Wednesday.

I was wide awake, made tea, had it with some butter cookies, dressed up in my regular jeans and top and was completely ready for my law classes which were supposed to start at 10.00am.

That is how anxious and inquisitive I felt.

Sitting on a chair and twiddling my fingers is what I had been doing for the past five minutes. My previous unbroken phone, which fortunately I couldn't part with, was lying on the table in front of me and exactly besides it, was the card Alex Bianchi had given me yesterday.

The numbers were well registered in my mind by now, I had stared at it way too many times. So now I knew his number by heart as well. Just his soul was left now.

The whole night I could barely sleep and in addition to my anxiety, Zivah hadn't come home. Apparently Sebastian had made her work overnight for whatever she had done. She was fuming with rage when she had called. And I was sure if Sebastian wasn't a billionaire and her big boss, people would have been searching his lost dead body by now. Over the months I had learnt to not piss off Zivah. She would threaten and mean every word.

I glanced at the cheap watch on my wrist. 15 seconds to go.

I quickly picked up my phone and dialed the number. My heart beat was beating so fast that I could hear it echo in my ears.

Gripping the phone to my ears I patiently waited for someone to pick up. After five rings, a husky voice answered the call, "Hello? Who's this?" The voice was cracked, as if he had just woken up.

I bit my lower lip, mentally slapping my forehead. Well, he doesn't even know my name. because he didn't ask yesterday and I didn't tell him.

"Umm..." I cleared my throat, for a billionaire he sure slept till late.

I heard a groan from the other side, "I slept at 4am, now who are you?"

Damn, did I say that aloud? Good going, Myra. "Myra here. The library girl. You had broken my phone yesterday, remember? You were the one who asked me to call you."

I'm sure he'd remember breaking my phone. Plus I had to clarify that I wasn't some stalker who was calling him to flirt. He had himself demanded me to do so.

He paused and then I heard some shuffling. "Ah yes, the hacker." Thank God, he recognised me.

I nodded, "Yes you had told to call at 9 am." I reminded, just in case he had forgotten.

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