"Send half our forces to the eastern border where the security is the weakest. Make sure you draw them into the house. Once they're in, we will surround them all. Not a single one of the rogues should leave our territory alive."

"The other wolf packs have been instructed to do the same. The Wolverines and the Dark Wolves will meet the people in the labyrinth first after which they will collectively head towards the territory further up north. There, they're to lie low until further orders are received. Once evacuation is complete and all the four trap doors are closed, the warriors will join forces."

Aden had informed me the Dark Wolves have already vacated the pack house under the charge of Stella and Aden's mother Diana. Based on the last message I received from the Wolverine Pack, they are half way down in the labyrinth too.

The group's collective attention whips towards me as we approach them.

"Start the evacuation." I order Jared. "Lets not delay it any longer. Leave enough men to make them think the ceremony is real and send the others away. By the time they realize the truth, it'll be too late."

For once, Jared obeys without question. He turns and signals a detachment of warriors to start the evacuation.

The rest of our men are to attack only after the rogues step inside the pack house.

"I'll seal the door shut once they're inside." Ariana touches Ashton's shoulder briefly before stepping away. She turns to me next, blue eyes glinting. Glare so intense, my heart nearly stops. For a moment, I'm sure she's about to say something.

But she turns away.

In the moonlight, I catch a fleeting glimpse of the moonstone amulet around her neck just as she takes off.

I try—try and fail—to keep the guilt from my face.

Elena follows her.

Three of us remain.

Above us, the moon climbs higher. The night sky is clear as it glitters with a the light of billion stars.

The breeze picks up speed. Blows up into a wind. Trees creak and branches sway from side to side. Wayward curls escape my braid as I stare into the horizon.

Ashton exhales. "A lot of us are going to die tonight." He says quietly.

My gaze turns up towards the stars. "But we die so the ones who live, live on in peace."

Minutes pass. The last voices fade away as our pack makes their way down the labyrinth, until only the warriors remain. Once the silence blankets us, we head inside. Lock the doors.

Tonight, there will be no second chances.

No do overs.

Ariana stands in front the sealed entrance of the labyrinth, while the rest of us form a half circle around the giant wooden doors.

Somewhere in the distance a bell tolls, signalling midnight.

The moon is at her peak.

A single howl rips through the air. Followed by another. And another. Until we're drowning in a cacophony of barks and snarls and paws striking the stones.

The ground beneath us trembles.

"They are coming, Alpha." Jared growls. "A battalion approaches as we speak."

We get into position; prepare for the worst. Weapons are drawn. If this is the end, we will make it one worth remembering.

With a blast, the doors are thrown open. The rogues barge in.

And with a roar, we lunge.



Next update: coming Monday. (Yes, you read that right)

#Quick question: Do you blame Kiara for Nora's death?

I'm curious to know your thoughts.



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