Front Row Seat (Tommy Oliver x Sister!reader)

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I sat in my dressing room feeling exhausted as I applied the bright green paint on my body. Beverly, my co-star playing Galinda, was next to me removing her pin curls to the blonde wig.

"Is Tommy coming in tonight?"

"I don't really know, knowing him he's probably still at the gym practicing with Rocky."

"Don't be bummed, (Y/n). I'm sure he'll turn up. You'll do amazing regardless. He's always talking in History class about how excited he is about your acting gigs," she smiled as she applied the bright pink blush to her cheeks.

"Does he really?" I said. I was shocked. For all I knew he never talked about me. I wouldn't think he would be that proud of me, especially with all his accomplishments he could talk about instead.

"Yes! He even handed out flyers for the show with the seniors yesterday."

Before we could finish the stage manager called five minutes to places and we hurried to finish getting ready.


The music slowed as I finished belting out the last bars of the finale. I panted as the lights went down. FInally glad the show was over but I loved every second of it.

At curtain call I looked out at the audience. Nope. No sign of my brother anywhere. I sighed but wasn't that surprised.

I made my way back to the dressing room to take a break and get ready to go home. Sliding into my comfy clothes to wear home and wiping all the makeup off.

"Hey! Why aren't you out there with Tommy?" Beverly asked as she walked into the dressing room.

"He wasn't here."

"What? But he kept telling everyone he was gonna be here?" she said confused.

"Well he says a lot of things," I said as I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door.


Tommy rushed into the theater right as curtain call ended, a bouquet of flowers in hand in (Y/n)'s favorite color. He looked around for his sister in the clumps of families taking pictures with the actors but didn't see her anywhere. He knew he messed up.

Kimberly and the rest of the rangers came up behind him, "It's okay Tommy we'll find her, maybe she didn't notice you weren't here."

"She always looks for me, I always promise her I'll be there,"Tommy said. His head hung and his eyes started to tear up.

"Hey man let's go see if we can find her backstage, maybe she's just getting ready?" Adam said.

Kim grabbed his hand and the group headed to the dressing rooms.

"Tommy!" Beverly yelled running up to them.

"Hey Beverly," Kim said, "Where did (Y/n) go?"

"She headed out the back to walk home. Tommy, she was so excited before the show, I told her about the flyers you handed out and everything. Where were you?" Beverly said, placing her hands on her hips.

Tommy sighed, "I got tied up."

"Uh-huh. Just like you were in the fall too when you didn't even get to see her solo at the chorus recital. Maybe if you get in the car now you can grab her before she gets home."

Tommy hid his face in his hands as the girl walked back into the dressing rooms to finish changing.


Tears blurred my vision as I tried to focus on the sidewalk. My bag was heavy against my hip and the street lights flickered in front on the ground. Why did I think anything would be different this time?

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