True Blue Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)

Start from the beginning

"But he's right. I don't fit in," he said. He turned and began to push his racer away.

As he walked off tears began to form in my eyes. Kat and Adam saw them and pulled me into a hug.

"You can't protect him from everything (Y/n)," Kat said while trying to wipe my tears away.

"I know Kat, but I can't help him like mom used to. He won't even talk about it, even though we both know he needs it. He won't hug me or dad either he just brushes us off. I don't want him to hate us Kat."

"He doesn't and you know that. He's just having a rough time," Adam said, he placed his hand on my shoulder. I could only nod in response.

"Let's go help him load up," Kat said.


I dropped Justin off at the auto shop and sat in the car while he worked. My shift at the juice bar started at 3 and Justin called me around 8 to ask if he can continue working on it that night. I said okay and by the time I went to check on him the next morning Justin was asleep on the floor of the shop. Tools scattered everywhere and grease covered his face and clothes.

"Aw, he's sleeping," Kat said as they walked in.

"I'll bet he's been working on his racer all night," Tommy said.

"Poor thing, this race really means a lot to him," Kat said.

Adam pointed at the blue sheet over the racer, "But it's covered up, maybe it was too much for him to finish."

Justin stirred on the floor before lifting himself up, "Whew, what time is it?"

"Time to rise and shine," Adam laughed.

"Today's your big day, come on let's get it loaded up in the truck. We can stop and get you some breakfast," I said.

"Oh yeah, the big day," Justin grumbled causing me to frown.

"What's the prognosis on True Blue?" Tanya asked.

"Well, I got permission to work on it all night and I did the best I could but..."

Tommy chimed in, "Hey we know you didn't have a lot of time. You tried your best that's all that matters."

"I guess I should let you guys see it," Justin said. He pulled the covers off to show a new and improved True Blue 2.

"It looks awesome!" I said.

"You really had us going, how did you build this in one night?" Kat asked.

"Easy, I used my egghead," Justin grinned. Everyone chuckled.

Tommy and Adam pulled the racer out to my truck and loaded it into the back, then we set off for the race.

I found a spot to watch the race and sat down. I watched as Justin climbed out of his car and went to join the others.

"What's going on?" I said as I walked over to them. Tommy's watch clicked off and they all looked worriedly at each other.

"We uh- I have to go to the bathroom!" Justin said.

"Alright then," I said slowly, "And you need all of them to help you find it?"

"Yes, just go back to your spot I'll be back soon,"Justin said as he started to push me back in the direction of my spot.

"Justin! What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing! Just please go ookay?"

"Alright alright I'm going!" I said.

I went back in the direction of my spot before stopping and hiding behind a tree, just in earshot of the group.

"Shift into Turbo!" I heard them yell, I peeked out from behind the tree to see them morph into the power rangers before being teleported out in a beam of light.

Oh he's so grounded after this!


I was still fuming by the time they got back. The race had started already but there was a big commotion with Warrens racer. The breaks had somehow stopped working and the boy was flying down the hill. I saw Justin jump into True Blue and begin racing after him.

"Justin be careful!" I yelled.

Justin sped up beside Warren and pulled in front, he used his breaks to slow down both of the cars before hitting the barricade. Justin jumped out and checked on the boy before going back to our friends. I packed up my lawn chair and began to walk over to them.

"Tommy Oliver!" I yelled as I walked over.

"Uh oh," Justin said.

I lowered my voice as I got to them, "Do you want to tell me why I saw my little brother morph into a Power Ranger earlier?"

"Oh well I uh-"

"No don't even start with me! How could you just let him join? He's only 12!"

"(Y/n) stop," Justin said, stepping in front of me, "He didn't let me join, our mentor Zordon did. It was my decision to join. They make sure I'm safe!"

I sighed and put my hands up to rub over my eyes.

"(Y/n) I promise we won't let anything bad happen to him, but he's a really good ranger," Kat said.

I looked at my brother before looking back at my friends, "Alright."

Justin whooped before I continued.

"How are we gonna hide this from dad?" I turned to Justin who shrugged.

"Okay," I said, I pointed to Tommy and Adam, "If anyone asks, you two are his new martial arts instructors."

"But I haven't taken MA classes in a couple of years," Justin said, confused.

"Yeah, but they're your new instructors and if you happen to disappear for a bit you'll be at a last minute practice, okay?"

"Ohhhh I get it now!" Justin said happily.

The rest of the group laughed as Justin hugged me.

"If he gets hurt you're all getting your butts kicked though."

"Trust me, the power will protect him," Tommy said.

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