The Big Day

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*There is a video a little later into this part, play it as soon as you see it so you can visualize the story :) *

"Come on brother, you've got to eat something." Alphonse pushed Ed's breakfast plate of mostly untouched food towards him a little. 

Edward shook his head. "I'm not hungry."

Winry groaned in exasperation. "Oh come on!" She marched over to Ed and shoved a piece of toast into his mouth. Ed took a bite and swallowed, nearly choking from not chewing first. "You forgot how to eat or something?" Winry rolled her eyes. "Here, drink this." She placed a glass of milk in front of him.

"Win. . . don't make me drink that vile stuff." Ed pleaded. 

Winry glared at Ed. 

Five minutes later, the milk had been drunk. Winry had managed to get her way.

"Brother, you should go get dressed. It's already almost noon!" Al said. 

Edward nodded. "Mm-hmm, yeah." He walked away kind of slowly, obviously thinking about something.

"You're worried about Envy, aren't you? I'll go check on him." Winry said.

Ed turned around, a sheepish smile on his face. "Heh, yeah. . . thanks Winry."

"No problem. Now go get dressed already!" Winry laughed, shoving Ed a little.

Edward gave a thumbs up, and then left to go get dressed.

"DAMN IT!" Envy cursed to himself, attempting to zip himself up from the back. "WHAT THE HELL IS IT WITH THESE HUMAN CLOTHES-?!"

Suddenly he heard someone knock on the door. "Envy? It's me, Winry. Do you need any help-?"

Envy tried one more time to win his battle with the zipper but failed once again. He sighed. "Yes."

Winry opened the door slowly, peeking her head in. "Oh!" She gasped, upon seeing Envy in a dress. "I didn't know you were wearing-"

"Yeah, I know. Could you-?" He motioned the zipper.

"Uh-huh." Winry walked over to Envy and easily zipped up the rest of the dress.

"Thanks." Envy stood up, then noticed Winry smiling at him. "What?"

"You know, a dress really suits you much better than suit would've." Winry examined him. "I love it."

Envy blushed. "You really like it-?"

Winry laughed a little. "You look fantastic. Want me to help you with the rest?"

Envy nodded shyly.


"Greed!" Envy snarled.

Envy's eyes flashed with anger at the sight of the other sin. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Envy started to back away slowly, being cautious.

Greed held his hands up. "Whoa chill, I just want to talk-"

"About what?" Envy spat.

"I hear you're getting hitched." Greed's eyes hooked onto Envy's engagement ring.

"Yeah, so?" Envy crossed his arms, covering his hand with the ring protectively. "Also aren't you supposed to be, I don't know, dead or some shit?"

"I don't know, probably." Greed chuckled. "Look, I know we've had our differences in the past-"

"Differences? Differences?! You call what you did to me in the past differences-?!"

Envy and Edward's Wedding! (Sequel to The Alchemist and the Lizard)Where stories live. Discover now