What Happens After A Proposal?

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Envy was sitting on the floor and was admiring his ring as it sparkled in the sunlight. He twisted it, held it up, shined it with his shirt, held it in his hands, and just looked at it overall.

"I'm glad you like it." Edward laughed as he walked over to Envy, leaning down and pressing a kiss on the top of his head. "Why are you sitting on the floor?"

Envy shrugged. "It just happened." He got up off the floor. "What are we going to do today?"

Edward blinked. "Huh. I don't know. What usually happens after a marriage proposal?"

"I don't know."

Edward rubbed the back of his neck. "Well...we could just spend a day out together and then, you know, start planning."

Envy beamed. "That sounds perfect."

Edward sat behind the wheel (didn't trust Envy enough) of a car they had rented for the day. They were going to drive out and explore some of Xing's landmarks and famous views. The hood of the car was down and Envy's hair was whipping around in the wind as well as Ed's.

Their first stop was an old temple that was famous for it's height and age. It had a beautiful view of Xing's jungle and all you could see was lush green for miles.

Envy and Edward climbed up for an hour before they finally made it to the top of the ruins. Both panting, they sat down, leaning against each other. The other tourists looked like little ants from down below. Envy and Ed were the only ones who had made it the top for now.

Envy turned and smirked at Ed. He then proceeded to get up and walked over to the edge.

"Envy! What are you doing?!" Edward called out.

Envy held up his arms like a bird and started to fall forward.


Envy looked back and winking, fell off the edge.

Ed quickly went to the edge and looked down, frantically trying to find Envy. That's when he heard someone clear their throat.

A bird was sitting on his shoulder. With striking violet eyes.

"Did I scare you?" Envy squawked.

"Oh my fu- don't you ever do that again!!!"

Envy rolled his eyes and hopped off, shifting back into his original form. He pulled Edward into a tight hug. "I could never leave you my love."

Edward sighed and hugged back. "Just don't do that again."

"Haha, I won't."

They spent the rest of the day doing other fun miscellaneous activities until it was getting close to sunset. 

Their last stop was to go boating out on a lake and watch the sunset. Seated across from each other on a rented rowboat, Ed rowed their way out to the middle of the lake. The sky was a bright orange and pale pink as the sun set over the horizon, and stars started to glimmer faintly up above. 

Envy looked up with wonder, the stars glittering in his eyes. Edward gazed at him intently. Envy looked down and saw Ed staring at him.

"What?" Envy laughed.

"Oh, I can't help it. You're so goddamn beautiful Envy, you don't even realize it."

Envy blushed. "Not more than you. This isn't even my true form. I'm hideous."

"Not to me."

"Mm..." Envy leaned forward and kissed Ed sweetly. 

"Quit it, you'll knock the boat over." Edward teased in between Envy's kisses.

"So?" Envy continued nonetheless.

The sun finally sank all the under and soon they were alone underneath the stars. They sat in silence for a little while, admiring the stars. Envy shifted to the middle of the boat so he could lean against Ed. He felt Edward shivering, and so he wrapped his arms around the blonde.

Overhead, a large shooting star flashed overhead.

"Make a wish." Ed said.

"A wish?"

"When you see those, you make a wish. Go ahead, I'll let you have it."

Envy thought to himself for a moment. "I wish...that me and you can always be together forever. No matter what."

Edward smiled.

Envy pressed a kiss on top of Ed's head. "You ready to go darling?"


(For this part I took some inspiration from Tangled when Eugene and Rapunzel go out on the boat to watch the floating lanterns ^w^)

They went back to shore, and headed back home to their room.

Tomorrow they would leave Xing and start making preparations for their wedding. 

For now, they snuggled together underneath the blankets, thinking only of each other.

*Sorry this part kind of short, I just feel really uncreative right now, I'll perk up when we get to the wedding planning (which just happen to be the next part 😏)  ^w^

Envy and Edward's Wedding! (Sequel to The Alchemist and the Lizard)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt