The Stage is Set

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*I know this is like the third time I've used this picture but I can't help's like my favorite pic of Edvy ^w^*

Edward had kept the pocket knife that Envy had killed himself with (if you haven't read The Alchemist and the Lizard, Envy kills himself in that one but Edward brings him back to life). He had kept it as a memento from that fated day, but now it was to be a symbol of happiness.

Edward set the pocket knife on the ground and, concentrating, clapped his hands together and transmuted the metal object.

When he was finished, what lay on the ground was a silver ring. Edward picked it up and examined it. It was perfectly circular and smooth but wait- what was that? There was a faint red splotch on it. Envy's blood. Edward frowned. It wasn't going to come off.

Should he add a stone to it? Jade, maybe? Something greenish.

It took a few hours, but when Edward was finished with the ring it was a beautiful silver ring with a perfectly cut emerald stone that lay flat on the center. Ed carefully put it in the velvet box, and immediately went on the phone to make some calls.

Envy hummed to himself as he walked back to the resort. In his arms he held quite a few boxes, all of which contained dresses. Hopefully Ed wasn't there so he could hide them underneath the bed. He had spent quite a bit of money...

It had been a good day. Well, minus the ball-popping and making kids cry part. He could hardly wait to see Ed. It had felt like forever since he had last seen him.

Ed was ready. Now all he had to do was wait for Envy.

Envy unlocked the door. "Eddie? I'm h-"

Envy dropped the boxes in surprise.

Ed stood in front of him, dressed neatly in a suit and tie, his hair pulled back into a ponytail, a few strands of hair sticking out, and holding a box of Envy's favorite chocolate (Dark chocolate, it's actually my favorite ^w^).

"Ed...?" Envy started.

Edward advanced to Envy and kissed him slowly, handing him the chocolate. "Get dressed." He whispered.

Envy nodded and walked to the bathroom, gaping at Ed.

Envy came out a few seconds later wearing a tux, his hair also pulled back into a ponytail.

Edward held out his arm. "Shall we?"

Envy took his arm and they walked out of their room together.

"Are you trying to make up for leaving me alone the whole day?" Envy joked.

"You'll see."

What the fuck was Ed doing?? And why the hell were they dressed up so formally? Envy didn't question Ed.

They got into a car and a few minutes later they were at an extravagant restaurant.

"Uh, you sure about this Ed-? Last time we did this-"

Edward placed a finger on Envy's lips. "Just roll with it. I'm about to give you the best night of your life." He winked.

Envy blinked, but replied, smiling. "Okay."

They were seated at a table outside that overlooked the water. It was only lit with a candle on the top and some outdoor lights that hung overhead. 

"Well?" Envy said.

"Well what?" Edward answered.

"What's the occasion for being here?"

Envy and Edward's Wedding! (Sequel to The Alchemist and the Lizard)Where stories live. Discover now