An Old Friend

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Edward walked out of the plane, Envy following groggily behind him. "Ugh..." Envy slouched as he walked. "Why was that so painful?? I barely got any sleeep..."

Ed sighed. "You got the most sleep out of everyone on that flight."

Envy just groaned.

That's when a voice yelled though the chatter of the people. "EDWARD?! EDWARD ELRIC?! IS THAT YOU???"

People shouted in alarm, as a black-haired man dashed through them, running up to Edward and Envy. "Edward!"

"Ling?!" Edward said in surprise.

"Ed, it's been too long!" Ling laughed, putting a hand to his head. "How ya been?" He then noticed Envy. "Oh, it's you."

Envy frowned and crossed his arms. "Hm."

Ling turned back to Edward. "You didn't tell me you were coming to Xing! I would've provided you with the best is. Where are you staying?"

"Some hotel..."

Ling waved his hand. "No, no, no, why don't you come and stay at the palace? Actually, why are you even here?"

"Um..." Edward shot a quick glance at Envy. He was sitting in a chair, occupied in reading a girl's fashion magazine. "Ling..."

Edward whispered into Ling's ear something inaudible to Envy. 

Ling's eyes widened in surprise. "You're kidding! Really? Interesting. Haha, you sly dog."

Envy looked up at them, and raised an eyebrow suspiciously. He stood up and put a hand on Ed's shoulder. "Can we go now?" He said, shooting a dirty look at Ling.

Ling squeezed in between them, linking arms with both of them. "You two must be famished for lunch, I know I am! Why don't we go get something to eat? On you, of course."

"Of course." Ed muttered.

"I know a great place!" Ling said happily, already drooling at the thought of food.

The three of them exited the airport, and filed into one of Ling's private cars. There was a small snack bar inside, which Ling helped himself to, of course. 

"So." Ling stuffed chocolate into his face. "How long do you plan on staying here?"

"I don't know. A week or two at the most. Depends on how much we find to do here." Edward answered.

"Oh but there's so much to do here in Xing! It's truly a wonderful place, and you came at the right time of year too. It's beautiful here, all the trees have blossomed and the weather is absolutely perfect."

"That's what I was hoping for."

Ling and Edward continued talking about things, but Envy remained silent. He stared out the window, anger rising up inside him. Ling and Edward were certainly friendly. Envy hadn't counted on the sword boy to be here, but his presence just put Envy on edge. They were rather close.

Envy leaned over to Edward and slid his arm around Ed's waist, one finger managing to make contact on the bare skin of his torso.

"Something wrong?" Edward asked, leaning into his embrace.

"Nothing." Envy stared daggers into Ling. "I'm just trying to show what's mine."

Ling laughed nervously, and Edward smirked. "That's where you're wrong." Edward breathed into Envy's neck. "I think you're mine."

"Okay, okay, save the love stuff for later, you'll make me lose my appetite." Ling patted his stomach. "Anyway, we're here."

Envy scoffed and got out of the car, Edward and Ling following. The trio walked into the restaurant, where they were seated and given menus. Envy and Edward sat next to each other, Ling sitting opposite of them. After ordering drinks, they got to talking.

"So, how did you get together?" Ling slurped his drink.

Envy and Ed looked at each other, and at the same time both said: "We don't need to say how."

Ling blinked. "Okay, then."

"So you're what?" Envy leaned back. "Emperor now or some shit?"

"No, not yet." Ling called a waiter over. "You guys know what you want? I'm going first."

Ling ordered a feast, and Ed grimaced with every order he made. How was it possible for this man to eat so much? After Ling had finished, and Ed and Envy had made their orders, Envy excused himself to go to the restroom.

Envy paced around in the bathroom, hands tangled in his hair. Why was he so jealous of Ling? His mind was racing with thoughts like: Edward decided to come to Xing just so he could see Ling, and leave Envy behind. It would make sense. Edward never told Envy why they were going to Xing in the first place, but it all fit in some weird insane way.

"Don't be ridiculous." Envy muttered to himself. "Ling just happened to show up. Me and Ed are just here to visit Xing, nothing more, once we get back home I'll have Ed all to myself again." Envy was about to leave, but stopped. 

Home? Envy didn't have a home. He just lived with Ed, in a hotel. If something were to happen to their relationship, where would Envy go? He didn't have a place. What was home? 

Envy threw those thoughts away, and went back to Ling and Edward. Where were they? Oh wait, they were behind that tall tower of food. Ling was eating happily, and Edward looked relieved as Envy walked back to the table.

Ed kissed Envy on the cheek as he sat down, and Envy immediately felt happier inside. Ed was his.

The trio enjoyed their lunch together, and afterwards were laughing and talking just like they are all old friends. Envy had never felt so...human. It was nice.

Ling had received word from the driver of his limo, that he was needed back at the palace. "Sorry guys." Ling chuckled. "Duty calls."

"That's okay. We'll catch up more later."

"Definitely." Ling nodded. "Sure you don't want to stay with me?" 

"No, we're good." Edward took Envy's hand. "I think we'd like to be alone."

Envy glanced at Ed gratefully. 

"Okay lovebirds." Ling climbed into his car. "Thanks for the meal!"

As his car drove away, Envy and Edward started walking towards the resort they were staying at.

"Think we should celebrate our first night in Xing tonight?" Edward squeezed Envy's hand, smirking.

Envy grinned. "Yes."

Now Envy understood. Home was wherever Ed was.

*OoOoOoO some more action between them already 😈

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