A Day For Envy

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Ed woke up in Envy's arms. They both were nude, following the events of last night, and were pressed together while they slept. Ed could hear Envy's snoring softly. He moved a little to try and get out, but Envy murmured something inaudible in his sleep and hugged Edward closer to his chest.

Envy's warm breath blew across Edward's head, and his long hair was caught underneath Ed's body. If Edward moved, he would yank on Envy's hair, waking him up. Edward slowly lifted Envy's arms above him and attempted to crawl out of bed. Wrapped in a blanket, Ed tip toed his way across the floor. Long snake arms suddenly wrapped around him and Edward turned to see Envy looking at him, one eye open.

"Ed..." Envy purred, pullling Edward closer to him. "I'm not finished with you..." Envy pulled Edward into the bed and brought him face to face, chests just barely touching. Arms back to normal, Envy stroked Ed's hair. "Good morning..."

Edward laughed softly. "You already want more?"

"As much as you can give me." Envy smirked.

"Not now." Edward kissed Envy's forehead. Envy raised an eyebrow, and Edward went for his lips.

"Mm. That's better." Envy licked his bottom lip, sitting up. "What are we doing today?"

"Oh! Uh, about that Envy..." Edward chuckled nervously. "There's some things I gotta do today...you know 'state alchemist' stuff and all that. Some business came up. I'm sorry Envy."

Envy frowned. "You're working?" His head lowered a bit. "Is that why we're here?"

"No! Of course not. This'll just be a one time thing okay?" Edward put his hand on Envy's shoulder. "I promise. And then I'll be all yours for the rest of the trip."

"And after too?"

"And after. Now let me go shower."

Envy nodded and Edward went into the bathroom.

Ed had gotten a suite at a high-quality resort. The room was huge, with loungers and big windows and high-tech stuff. Plants embellished the room, and outside on the balcony, it overlooked a large waterfall.

Envy turned on the large, flat-screen TV, looking for something to watch. He was watching a boring documentary on sloths when he noticed a small velvet box that had fallen out of one of Ed's bags. "Hm." Envy tried to get a better look when Edward came out of the bathroom. 

Envy quickly averted his eyes back to the TV, and flipped through the channels until he found a violent action movie. He laughed with glee, as people got shot with arrows and were set on fire.

"Um, Envy?" Edward said.


"Maybe let's skip the violence? Okay?" 

"Aww..." Envy simpered as he turned off the TV. "That's the only entertainment I've gotten around here."

"Oh really? I thought I was entertaining." Ed crossed his arms in fake anger.

Envy walked up to him, smiling coyly, and wrapped his arms around Ed's waist, swatting at Edward's braid. "Nah. Just as my plaything."

Ed boosted himself up by pulling himself up on Envy's shoulders and kissed him. "Are you going to be okay spending the day by yourself?"


"You're not going to cause trouble?"

"Mm-mm." Envy shook his head.

"You're going to be nice to people?"

Envy hesitated for a split second. "Mm-hmm."

"Sure. Okay, seriously though. STAY OUT OF TROUBLE."

Envy and Edward's Wedding! (Sequel to The Alchemist and the Lizard)Where stories live. Discover now