I Can Hear The Bells

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Two days. 

Only two days left until Envy would pledge himself to Ed forever.

Envy sat on a rock overlooking a pond, head resting on his hand, legs dangling over the water, only his feet being submerged. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice a blond-haired midget suddenly attack him with a hug.

"GAH-!" Envy shouted in surprise and fell off the rock, landing in the pond with a large splash.

He sat up, hair a mess and covering his face. Envy raised his arms to get his hair out of his eyes and looked up. Edward's head peeked out from the rock. "Sorry-"

Envy narrowed his eyes.

Ed started to back away slowly, laughing nervously.

Envy stood up his head meeting Ed's at eye level. He smirked and grabbed Ed by the shoulders, pulling him off and landing in the water. 

Envy laughed as Ed flailed around, but his laughter was cut short when Edward grabbed Envy by his knees and pulled him in. Envy yelped in surprise.

When Envy finally was able to sit up again, he discovered Ed sitting in the water across from him with a triumphant smile on his face.

"I guess we're even then." Edward beamed.

"No we're not-" Envy growled, flicking water at Ed.

"Oh yeah?" Edward splashed a little water at Envy playfully.

Envy was being anything but playful. "Uh-huh." He stood up, shaking a little while as red sparks flickered around him, and he started to turn into his large beast mode.

Edward looked up at him, paralyzed. "Oh shi-"

Envy swished his tail through the water, creating a large wave that overtook Edward quickly. It carried Ed all the way to the other side of the body of water and Ed landed with a loud groan onto his back onto the ground.

Envy turned back into his human form and rushed over to Ed, who was now coughing up water.

When Envy reached him, Ed rasped: "Okay. . . now we're even."

Envy smirked and took Ed into his lap. "Did I hurt you my little chibi. . . ?" He cooed, tenderly wiping smudges of dirt off of Ed's face with his fingertips.

Ed laughed. "Not at all."

"Good." Envy leaned down to kiss Edward's forehead. "I need you in good condition for our wedding night. . . ❤️"

"What are you going to do to me?"

Envy's eyes gleamed with lust. "Put you through a living hell of course. Afterwards." He purred.

"Looking forward to it."

*time skip to half an hour later*

"Yummy. . . " Envy sighed in happiness.

"I didn't know you liked sandwiches so much." Ed chuckled. "It's just a plain old ham and cheese with lettuce. . . "

"But when it's made by you, it's absolutely delicious!"

Envy and Ed were sitting on a picnic blanket, having obviously, a picnic. The sun was warm overhead, drying them off from earlier, and fluffy clouds floated above them.

Edward smiled, but then the back of his neck tingled. Suddenly it felt like someone was watching him. Ed turned around but no one was there. "Hm."

"Sthomething wron?" Envy said with mouth full of sandwich.

Envy and Edward's Wedding! (Sequel to The Alchemist and the Lizard)Where stories live. Discover now