A Surprise For Envy

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Edward woke up first in the morning. He looked over to see sleeping Envy, looking adorable in his sleep. Edward climbed out of bed slowly, as not to wake him up. He kissed the top of Envy's head gently, and pulled up the covers to make him more comfortable. Edward got into the shower and felt the water wash away the remnants from last night. 

Edward decided he was going to do it. He was going to propose to Envy. But first, he had to set the stage.

Envy was still sleeping when he got out of the shower, and so Ed pulled out his laptop to look up plan tickets. His plan was to go to Xing, as it was beautiful this time of year and the setting would be absolutely perfect and romantic when he did it.

He glanced over at Envy, and couldn't help but smile. No matter how bad Envy might've been in the past, he was just a sweet, innocent soul that was absolutely lovable. He had changed. Thankfully for the better.

Ed did his research and didn't hear Envy get out of bed. 

"Whatcha doing?" Envy's face poked over his shoulder.

Edward shut the computer quickly. "Nothing."

"You hiding things from me, sugar bear?"

"What the hell? Don't call me that!" Edward snorted.

Envy stroked Edward's chin, tilting it up. "Okay. Sugar bear." He leaned over and kissed Edward. "Good morning." He whispered. (Isn't this so sweet??)

"Good morning." Edward smiled. "Are you hungry?"

"Hm." Envy placed his hands on his hips. "Only for your manly part."


Envy laughed as he walked into the bathroom. The second the door closed, Edward opened up his computer and finished booking everything for his planned trip. He was so excited to tell Envy. He needed coffee.

He left a note for Envy saying he was going to go out.

He headed down to the lobby to print out his plane tickets and flight information. Ed then headed to a bakery and after getting his coffee and other breakfast items, Edward came back to the room to find Envy coming out of the shower. He was already fully dressed, hair brushed and wet.

"So," Envy said. "What are we going to do today?"

Edward grinned. "Pack."


"I have a surprise for you..." Edward pulled out the plane tickets. "We're going to Xing!"

Envy gaped at Edward for a moment. "Really? I've never been!"

"Well, I just thought it would be nice to take a vacation. After all we've just been in Central all this time, we could try something new."

"Oh, thank you Ed! How did I ever manage to snag someone like you?" Envy kissed Edward's cheek. "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."


Envy hummed to himself as he started to put together what few belongings he had into a small green bag. 

Edward watched him. I promise, Edward thought to himself. When we get married, I'll provide for you and care and love and protect you. Always.

Wow Ed, so sure of yourself.

Envy and Edward's Wedding! (Sequel to The Alchemist and the Lizard)Where stories live. Discover now