10 ≻ Conditions

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"Bella, wait." He took a step closer. "Jane and I will be joining the debate for sure, so I need to ask you. Is this what you really want?"

My heart was biting so fast that he noticed it and smiled, looking at my chest as if he could see through me, his eyes getting darker. Living surrounded by vampires for months, I knew that that was not a good sign, so I had to get away from him quickly.

"Yes. It is what I want, more than anything else."

"Perfect, then. Good night."

Alec disappeared right in front of me, leaving me alone with my thoughts and impatience. I laid in the giant bed and got lost in my thoughts as I stared at the chimney absentmindedly. My anxiety was growing as seconds went by and in less than an hour I fell asleep.

I had a terrible nightmare that night. I was running in the woods chasing Edward but all of a sudden he vanished and the sun shone bright in the sky. Vampires had ruined such a good thing as the sun for me.

I woke up a bit confused and agitated, but I was not going to feel better soon.

"Miss Swan," Marissa was standing at my door with her arms crossed. "You need to come with me."

I put my black shoes on again and as fast as I could, followed her. I tried to look at her face to see any hint of the Vulturi's decision, but then I realized that whatever they had decided, they would never let her know. She was just a servant to them.

"They're waiting for you inside." Marissa told me pointing at the door where the Vulturi had first greeted me. "Good luck." She whispered and for the first time, she smiled at me.

I smiled her back and went in.

It was like 2 am and I am sure my hair and makeup were completely ruined by now, but I did not care at all. If they were going to reject me, then my appearance was the last of my preoccupations.

"Bella!" Aro yelled my name as he ushered to my side. "Come here, join us!"

Marcus, Caius, Jane and Alec were standing in a semi circle in the centre of the room. Aro took my hand and led the way towards them, leaving me standing in front of them.

I intertwined my hands behind my back and tried to hide that I was getting more and more agitated. My fate was in their hands right now.

"Bella," Aro spoke standing in the middle of the other four vampires. "I apologize for making you wait, but I know you understand we had to consider many things."

"I do. Thank you for ta-"

"Ugh." Jane whispered in disgust, obviously disapproving my constant need to apologize.

They all looked at her furiously except for Alec who was hiding a smile, but my eyes were fixed on Aro. Whatever the answer was, I knew he would be the one to tell me.

"Marcus, Caius and I discussed your request, Bella." Aro explained with a serious face.

"And Jane and I gave our opinions too." Alec stated and so fast that I thought I had imagined it, he winked at me.

RED MIDNIGHT   • Twilight •Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon