🌹 The Final Battle

Start from the beginning

   "I smell her now!"

   "Who are you?" Erza demanded, striding forward but not too close. Lil peaked around Natsu's broad shoulder, her eyes landing on the spying figure. Her eyes narrowed before widening in shock. 

   "Rebecca?!" She gasped. 

   "You know this woman?" Gray asked slowly. 

   "Yes, well no. . .Kinda." Rebecca trailed of, her face turning slightly pink. "M-My mother was a midwife. Sometimes I would go and help her. . .It just so happened that I was there to help Rebecca give birth. . .But that's impossible. . ."

   "What's impossible?" Levy asked, pushing her hair behind her ear nervously. 

   ". . .Rebecca died from childbirth. There's no way that can really be her."

As if its was planned, Rebecca skirted forwards a little. Holding one hand up to show she wasn't going to do anything, she used her other hand to gesture. 

   "I-I think she wants us to follow her." Wendy stammered. 

   "Juvia wonders why." Juvia narrowed her eyes. "A trap?"

   "No," Gajeel shook his head with a grunt. "I don't think it's a trap. . .I think she wants to help."

Rebecca nodded vigorously. 

   "But why?" Lucy murmured. 

Erza took another step forward, this time a lot more relaxed. "Are you here to help us?"

Rebecca nodded. 

   "Are you going to take us into the castle?"

Another nod, this time with a finger in front of her mouth. Like she was shushing them. 

   "A secret?"

A nod. 

   "She must want to lead us through a secret passage to get into the castle," Levy summed up, a half smile on her face as Rebecca tapped her nose and pointed at Levy. 

   "Then what?" Gray wondered. 

   ". . .Lil, if someone that isn't us finds you, head for the forest. The Exceeds will help you."

No one dared to argue, following after Erza as Rebecca started the trail. 

The path that Rebecca led them along had to do with a long of climbing. Usually, is wouldn't be too bad to climb. But they were climbing on a stone wall that looked like it would give away at any second.

There was eight of them climbing up there. 

After a paragraph full of colorful words, they finally made it to the place where Rebecca wanted them to lay low at. It was a small space, barely big enough to fix the eight of them, but it over looked the throne room. It gave them a perfect view of what was happening. 

Rebecca put a single finger onto her lips one last time before making her way back down the crumbling path. Minutes later, just as the members of the dark guild started to shout their praises and proclamation, she reappeared by the throne. 

   "Well, what do we do now?" Levy whispered, her voice nearly drowned out by the yells. Erza narrowed her eyes, taking in the situation as the old man's croak reach their ears. 

   "My loyal subjects! As you can see, we have finally done it! With the Infinity Elixir Stone in our grasp, the machine ready to use, and our sacrifice, we will finally raise Zeref from the dead!"

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