Chapter Two

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            “You said you’re looking for an Allison Murphy right?” the women said, her eye arched. I nodded, and I could feel my heart in my throat, pounding heavily. “Well, her you go son,” she said, and I saw a girl appear, but I knew instantly it wasn’t Allison. The girls name was Allison, and she was some ones Allison, but she wasn’t mine.

            “Hi?” she asked, but she said it as if her greeting was a question. The girl was leaning against the doorframe, her earthy red hair falling down to her waist in little knots.

            “I’m sorry, I think I may have gotten the wrong person,” I replied, and she laughed, a deep low raspy sound, unsettling. It wasn’t the biggest shock to see that t wasn’t the Allison I wanted it to be, considering I’d been to five girls with the same name in the past few days, carrying my heart on my sleeve as I quickly crossed them off mentally.

            I can’t say I know what Allison looks like, but I know I’ll get that feeling when I saw her. I wanted to feel a sense of belonging; knowing that I belong with her. Cosmetics helped me narrow it down, which ones were blonde, and which ones weren’t, but I know she could dye her hair like I do mine. Even the girls who were blondes I could cross off quickly.

            I just knew the girl’s weren’t my Allison.

            “Who are you looking for?” the girl asked, tilting her heart shaped head.

            I shrugged as I replied, “in all honesty I’m not sure.” She gave me a curious look and I laughed. “But it’s not you,” I added, but her expression didn’t change.

            “Are you ok kid?” she asked and as she called me that I looked at her, and I mean really looked at her. She had slight wrinkles around her eyes, and she couldn’t have been past the age of thirty, but she wasn’t the age I would Allison to be.

            “I’m perfectly fine,” I promised and she nodded unconvincingly.

            Disappointment is the best type of medicine. Some may disagree, but it is. It can show you that the world doesn’t revolve around you. For some it’s a reality check, but it treats multiple symptoms.

            It can cure a large ego, but I’ve already said that haven’t I. It can cure a feeling of regret by showing you there’s nothing to regret over. It can help if everything’s going your way, sending you a reminder the world isn’t fair, and you shouldn’t get so comfy on your self made throne.

            It has side effects though, lots of minor ones, but then there’s the one that hits you the most. That terrible, pesky little thing would is called longing, and it drives half the world mad. It’ll make you go crazy, always wanting to feel fulfilled, and complete.

            A similar effect is desire, divided in divisions of lust, need, want, greed. Sometimes mistaken for love, but then again everything’s mistaken for love these days thanks to countless love stories where hatred is really just disguised attraction; a façade put on by Mr. Darcy.

            There are the miniscule rare side effects that take place time to time, but they have no major significance, because unfortunately in the case of disappointment, the worst disclaimers are the ones most common …

            Another girl isn’t Ali. That makes it a nice, even number. That means there are 62 girls that have her name, but not her spirit or her personality. Whenever I walked away from where I had found the girls a small voice in the back of my mind told me that I had found her, I just hadn’t realized it. I pushed it of though, and ignored the haunting thought that I wouldn’t recognize her when I found her.

            I kicked a small lump of snow, and frowned.

            I love how you hid in the snow, and wanted me to find you …

            I sighed and looked at how the snow blanketed everything around me. The snow was thickly covering the sparse bushes. The snow was everywhere, and I liked to think that Allison was hiding, hiding right then, and she wanted me to find her, but she wasn’t giving me any hints.

Authors Note - In case you haven't noticed it skips ahead in time quickly and haha, what was that, forty minutes since the last update if Melanie is updating this right? ANYWAY, sorry Mel, but I must give this to the readers! Haha, I have serious problems, but hey, I'm A DUCK SLAYER!!! I'M PRETTY SURE WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS! SOrry, I'm hyper right now.



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