"No way, really!" Rey exclaimed a bit too loudly as most of the people in the room glanced her way. "Sorry, I've only been there once with Be – the supreme and I loved it. Is it true they have little desserts on a stick?"

"Ah, yes they do, how many would you like?" Like a child, Rey gleefully made a "5" with her hand. "Anything else, ma'am."

"I've been here five months and only been there once with the supreme, so I would not know. I guess I'll stick to what he ordered for me the last time. It was a blue drink with some ice, sorry I don't know the name."

"Oh, it's called the Blue Drink. I'll make sure to get that large for you"

Rey smiled at him and looked at his badge, "Thank you, um, Randy." Randy shyly nodded at her and as he walked away, Rey retrieved a small data pad, Ben had gifted her, from her pocket. She was not at all interested in the meeting and she really did need to wait for Ben, might as well play some games while the meeting went on. Ben had been excruciatingly busy during the peace talks, that by the time he would return to their shared quarters, Rey had gone to sleep. Mornings were the same as she would wake up alone with only a note on his pillow wishing her a good day and an I love you.

Randy had returned with everyone's orders and Rey was grateful to indulge on some sugar. It seemed as an endless wait before the meeting took place and Rey wondered why everyone bothered to be at the meeting early. "Afraid of a little moody man." Rey thought with a giggle. Sighing, she went back to her game on her small data pad and took a bite of one of her desserts.

After what seemed like an hour, the door lifted open and all in the room stood. Rey remained in her seat as her boyfriend, clad in his signature black outfit with his helmet on, walked in with General Hux in tow. As Hux took his seat, next to the great and powerful supreme leader, everyone in the room sat as well, except for said leader. Kylo looked at the papers in front of him and looked up only to be taken aback by Rey's presence. Rey never bothered to look up as she kept playing her game.


Rey jumped in her seat a little and glanced up at her dear boyfriend. "Hi." She smiled. "I need to talk to you."

Kylo stared at her for a moment and turned to Hux, "Are you going to just sit there or are you going start?" Hux was confused as he assumed the supreme leader himself would start the meeting. Hux stood from his seat as Kylo sat down. Kylo's attention seemed to be with Hux but, again using their force connection, he spoke only to Rey, "Can it wait? I am a little busy."

"That's why I'm here. I decided to wait for you instead of staying up at night." Ben sighed, which Hux took as a negative remark as to what he was saying and cautiously kept going. "I'm not accusing you of being neglectful, I know you have been busy with the peace summit and the new govern planets. I just want to talk."

"I am doing this all for you, sweetheart, you knew this would be a tiring process. I bet the resistance leader, Poe was it, is also kept busy with these dreadful meetings."

"I know and I thank you for everything you are doing but I miss you." Rey smiled at her boyfriend and he must have sensed it as he turned to look at her.

"I miss you too, sweetheart. I promise all these infuriating deals will be over soon." Kylo turned his attention back to Hux. "Wait for me on the deck, I'll be there soon."

"Oh no, Solo, I finally get to see you and I am not going anywhere until we speak."

"Hmm ... it must be important." Ben chuckled in the force bond, "What is it that has you this determined? Have you discovered a new kind of food and you are dying to tell me?"

"Ben, if I had discovered a new kind of food, I would be eating it as we speak and not be in here with these stuffy, plain people. I mean, does Hux ever shut up and does he go on and on until you tell him to stop. This is extremely boring."

"Is my Rey bored?" Kylo stood from his seat and pointed a finger at Hux, instantaneously shutting him up. Everyone in the room froze and Rey could have sworn he saw Hux's life flashed before his eyes. "General Hux, if you were to do your job right, I would not have bothered to put an end to your useless voice."

Hux scanned the room for help and all eyes looked elsewhere, no one wanted the wrath of the supreme. Meanwhile Rey looked down at her lap, stifling her laugh. "What did he say that was wrong?"

Ben sat back down and kept glaring at Hux. "My focus is on you, I'm not even sure I heard a word he was saying."

"Ben!" Rey laughed, "The poor man. I hope you won't be this mean to our baby."

It took a minute to register but when it did, the ever so powerful, supreme leader, Kylo Ren stood up, almost knocking his chair down. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"

Everyone in the room sat in attention, quiet as they could and the only sound that was heard was Rey, "Kriff!"

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