Chapter Three

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When Taehyung started to show more, he began wearing baggier clothing. He didn't want weird looks and stares from people on campus or other public places and he just thought it was a little embarrassing. He hated the idea of being embarrassed about his baby, but he soon learned that it was completely normal. He learned that many first-timers felt a little embarrassed when walking in public with their big, protruding tummies. But he still decided to cover his as a personal choice.

He had been worried about the pregnancy affecting his grades since a lot of his grades depended on attendance so of course, he had to tell his professors what was going on so they'd be more lenient with him. However, at 6 months pregnant he's managed to make it to every class including the ones that don't take attendance.

He told his parents about the pregnancy the day he was finally going to figure out the sex of his baby. Naturally, he got an ear full from his mother for not telling her sooner. He had explained it was because he was dealing with trying to tell Jungkook and couldn't take on the stress of telling someone else, then Hoseok let him move in so he was occupied with getting comfortable. He and his mother met at a cafe where she promised to help him where he needed help. However, she and his father both made it clear that they wouldn't be used as babysitters. Taehyung knew they wanted to talk shit about Jungkook, but they managed not to for his sake and he was thankful for it. He didn't want to hear anything good or bad about that man.

When he was with Jungkook, he had left his parents on bad terms. As said before, they not only hated Jungkook but the Jeons as a whole. They supported him when he came out as gay, but they didn't support his choice of boyfriends. He had 2 exes before Jungkook both of which broke up with him because of his parents. They didn't accept any of Taehyung's acts of independence and their controlling behaviour only made him rebel more. So, the phone call was awkward as he explained his — leaving the whole Jungkook left me bit out of it— and when he was done, he expected to be yelled at for being irresponsible but he was met with a "well, are you okay?" instead. It surprised him and when he gave his mother a simple "yeah" she didn't buy it and suggested they meet up after his appointment.

This was the appointment he had been looking forward to ever since he decided he was going to keep the baby. He tried to keep himself 50/50 but he couldn't help but wish for a little boy. He assumed that because he's a man himself, it would be easier to raise a boy instead of a girl. But if he ended up having a girl he wouldn't be disappointed, he'd just have to learn more about girls and women.

When he heard the baby's heartbeat months ago, it almost made him cry so of course, seeing the person developing in him actually made him cry. The nurse was sure to point out everything while they waited for the baby to finally turn so they could see the sex.

"There are their little feet," she said, pointing at what didn't look like feet at all. But Taehyung still smiled as she pointed out their arms and hands and big head.

"Oop- they've turned...there it is, do you see it?" she circled her finger around the centre of the screen. Taehyung leaned closer and squinted his eyes, confused at what he was looking at for a moment. But then he saw it and his face broke into a huge smile.

"Oh my god, it's a boy," he said, looking at the nurse for confirmation.

"Yep, congratulations Mr. Kim, you're having a baby boy!"

- - -

Kim Haneul will be the baby's name. He decided on the name last month whether the baby would be a boy or a girl. He thought the name was simple yet beautiful. While he waited at the cafe to meet his parents, he had written on the back of the ultrasound pictures with a black marker Kim Haneul. He was already completely in love with the child and his eyes never left the pictures until he heard his mother pull the chair out from the table and sit down.

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