Forward (Please Read)

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Hello, my lovely Poutats!!! Welcome to the story that got me popular on Wattpad!!!

I decided to rewrite Second Chances because I just couldn't stand that book's existence, it genuinely disgusted when I would log into this account and see it sitting there with 2M reads. Like God...that was most people's first impression of my writing. That had to be changed immediately. There were so many mistakes and I hate that book with a burning passion so I just had to rewrite it. But I couldn't find it within myself to unpublish and rewrite it which meant I would be getting rid of the comment threads and all that so i decided to just publish a rewritten version of Second Chances. There will also be a rewritten version of Unfinished...I just don't know when that'll happen. I may, then, also republish the original version just so people can compare and contrast. I really think my writing has improved but it will be ultimately up to you guys to confirm that.

I'm gonna try my best to shorten Second Chances and fix the ages, but also lengthen the parts that need to be lengthened. I also want to separate them in parts like I did in Unfinished: "part one", "part two", "part three". I know a lot of you don't want me to get rid of the chapters that were focused on the kids, so I will try my best not to since their individual lives did make up a big portion of the original and the story wouldn't have moved the way it did if I hadn't added their individual stories into the book. However, a lot of serious topics were written about in the original that didn't get the attention or resolution that they deserved and I aim to change that. So bare with me. Please.

So how much this book will be "shortened" is still in question. I wanted to rewrite the entire book before republishing, but that would have made many eager readers wait much longer.

Also, understand that I am no longer a shipper. The shipping community has gotten too toxic for me to enjoy casual shipping, especially in BTS. I am also no longer an ARMY. I know many will want to know why, and the main reason is because I loved BTS' music so, so, so much when they were promoting the LY era and also the albums before that. I don't like saying I'm disappointed by their new releases because that makes it seems as though I feel as though they owe me something when they don't and I am so happy they are creating music together that they enjoy. But I did feel a little disappointed, personally. I also realize that I just can't like their music the way I used to and that's okay. They were the first kpop group I loved and I will continue to watch from the sidelines. I really enjoy Hobi and RM's solo music and I am excited to see where they go as soloists and as a group without Jin and I will silently support every move they make.


Please understand that I am a freshman in university and I am rewriting and republishing while completing my second semester while taking 18 credit hours while also writing another book in my free time on my other account while also promising readers on this account that I will finished "Deranged" in 2023. Wattpad is not my priority and I want to get that straight with everyone before they read. I care about my readers and I know you guys miss my book, but also understand that there is a real person behind this screen, behind these words and she has a life that she wants to improve.

For rereaders, you might see things that are completely new in comparison to what happened in the original version.

Also, rereaders, don't spoil my book because that's just rude 😕...

Okay, enjoy.

~ supermochii ✌🏽

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