Chapter Two

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Jungkook didn't come back.

When Taehyung woke up the next day with puffy eyes from crying the night before, Jungkook wasn't there. In fact, no trace of his boyfriend was there. Apparently, he had come back late after Taehyung had fallen asleep alone to pack all of clothes and shoes. He even took his toiletries since he and Taehyung used different brands. He managed to pack and move out everything without waking Taehyung. The only thing Jungkook left behind was a note and a stack of cash that covered his portion of the rent for two months. The note read:

I'm sorry, Tae, but I can't be with you if you keep the baby. I can't raise a kid. You know about all the plans I had for the both of us yet you let a child come between all that. I refuse to give up my life to start a new one from scratch because of a baby that you don't have to keep. Someone you don't even know if we're being honest. I know it's hard to be a single parent and I'm so fucking sorry that I've done this, but I want to live my life and I wish you chose to live yours too.

your ex-boyfriend Jungkook.

That note left Taehyung in so much despair that he had to email his professors to tell them he wouldn't make it to class. Luckily, it was a Friday but he had club meetings on the weekends so he had to text the group chats to tell them he wouldn't be able to attend.

His entire being hurt too much to even get out of bed and shower. For a while, he just kept rereading the note over and over again, crying so hard his stomach and head hurt. He wanted to hate the baby in there, he wanted to run to an abortion clinic and tell them to get rid of it immediately. But he couldn't. He couldn't hate the baby because it didn't ask to be there, he couldn't hate or blame something so innocent. Then he wanted to hate himself because how could he not think about how this baby will impact his and Jungkook's life so negatively? How could he expect Jungkook to drop everything for a baby he doesn't have to want? How could he be heartbroken and angry because Jungkook chose his own path just the way Taehyung chose his?

In a way, he threw away 5 years for someone he's only known for 1 month.

"No, no," Taehyung says as he shakes his head and grabs his hair on either side, trying to jerk the thoughts out of his head. Jungkook chose wrong, Taehyung chose right. Right? Jungkook threw away 5 years, not Taehyung. Right?

He grabs his phone from where he'd thrown it hours earlier after realizing Jungkook had blocked him on everything. He quickly dials Hoseok's number and as soon as Hoseok hears his best friend's weepy "hello", he gives the younger man no time to say anything else.

"I'm coming over," he says and hangs up right after.

Hoseok arrives not even fifteen minutes later with 2 bags from Walmart. In one bag is 2 boxes of Little Debbie cakes and the other is two containers of Febreeze.

"What's the Febreeze for?" Taehyung asks to which Hoseok promptly responds, "to spray the Jungkook away."

And they do that only to collapse on the couch afterwards and eating a whole box of the Little Debbies.

- - - 2 months later

"H-Hoseok are you sure about this?" Taehyung asks as he watches Hoseok happily haul his luggage into Taehyung's car. Hoseok turns and offers the younger man one of his huge heart smiles which is enough to tell Taehyung that Hoseok is 200% sure about this.

Hoseok had offered Taehyung a room at his house the day Jungkook decided he wanted to leave instead taking responsibilty. His house is a four bedroom and he owes nothing on it since he bought it with cash — he got lucky with Bitcoin. Hoseok knew pregnancy is hard and he didn't want his best friend stressing about rent, utilities, his job, school, and pregnancy. So he wanted to try his best to help eliminate some of that stress by giving Taehyung a free place to live until he could afford to get out on his own. Taehyung took him up on the offer but only after finding someone else to take his apartment and using Jungkook's cash for rent as he didn't want to use it for anything else.

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