Ch.18 1st year Drama

Start bij het begin

She leans in closer to me. Her eyes looked down as her bangs blocked my view. "So, please don't run away." 

"Run away?" I asked softly as she leaned back. "Why would I run?" 

"I had a boyfriend back in America." She stated. "I was mostly focused on volleyball and trying to figure out my feelings. I needed time but he didn't give me. So, I started to not open up to anyone, just putting my feelings through my spikes and playing volleyball. 

I understand now. She's calm and collected. Unlike my fangirls. Ew. I'm starting to understand now. I was going to be irritated when she said the opposite because I want to be her friend and if she refuses, how am I suppose to shake off my feelings that started to develop now, Beautiful Snow?

"Don't worry." I grabbed her attention. "Unlike your dirty boyfriend, I will wait for you." Miyuki hums in response as blinks her eyes. 

"I wasn't faking that I want to see how far we go. Friendly wise that is." Miyuki said softly as she adjusts her face mask. 

"For now." I repeated from my text. I really want to become more than friends actually. I can never picture me with any of my fangirls. EWW. 

I see that she is really tired as she sits on one side of the seat and leans across and rest her chin on her hand. I furrowed my eyebrows at this. She must really didn't get enough sleep. I pull out my spray and disinfect my shoulder and her. She gave me a questioning look as she ruffles her hair, the side where I sprayed. 

"Sleep." I simply said, more like command as she hesitated and readjusted her mask before slowly placing her head on my shoulder. I heard a deep sigh as she relaxed. I looked at her hair. It was wavy and I can see her curls clearly. Her dark blue tips is still there. I wanted to touch her hair because it looked shiny and thick. I felt her soft breathing as I didn't know what to do rather just slowly placing my head on top of her before going on my phone. 

I heard that Wakatoshi-kun got selected to be in Japan's Youth Team. I recalled our encounters in training camps and in Nationals. I hope I get to see him one last time in Nationals this year since he's a 3rd year. And then playing against him after High School.

Aratani's POV

I playfully slapped Komori's shoulder repeatedly. I took out my phone and subtly take pictures of them. Haha! Take that 1st years! 

Komori smiles as he too took a picture. "And he denies of having feelings for her." He whispers to me as I giggled softly. 

"I just hope Sakusa have the patience for her. She's in a state of trying to adjust to this. This proximity. I heard he asked for her number." Komori nods as he heard from Sakusa. Komori then watches his cousin and smiles. 

"We gotta to protect their relationship from others." Komori said, seriously. Wait, they're not a couple. 

"Komori-kun, they're not official though."

"Not yet. But Sakusa doesn't just have feelings for any girl, especially his fangirls. When he starts something, he will finish all the way until he's satisfied. That's for everything." He explains softly as we both look at them across the way. I nod in understanding as I smiled to myself. I would like them to be together. So the 1st years can shut up and for Miyuki to be happy and open up since she told me about her life in America. 


Normal POV

As they went to their respective gyms, Miyuki and Aratani set up the net with Coach Ichika as the rest of the team came in. All of us were tired and yawning but I fought the exhaustion. Since practice was 2 hours, we made it a normal practice. 

Beautiful Snow💙Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu