章节 13🤍

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Kairi's p.o.v
"This is super good Kai oh my gosh" Hunter complemented as he took the first bite. I blushed and looked down at my plate. I heard someone clear their throat and when I looked up I saw Mattia looking at me.

"Yeah Kairi it's really good" he said smirking at me.

"V-Vic helped"

"Really? This is really good, you have to cook for me"

Vic blushed at Taylor's words and let out a nervous chuckle. "O-okay"

I smiled softly at the two of them knowing they'd somehow end up together or hooking up Atleast. I heard Hunter groan beside me and I looked at him.

"Hunty are you okay?"

"Y-yeah babe I'm fine"

Alvaro fakes gagging at the nicknames Kairi and Hunter had for each other. For some reason Alvaro couldn't stand the Barista , he seemed all too perfect and not in a good way. Alvaro knew that with the right buttons pushed Hunter's true colors would come out like his gayness at the sight of an attractive guy.

"So Hunter did you always live here in San Francisco?" Alvaro asked before sipping his wine.

"Uhhh no I lived in New York up until I was twelve" Hunter answered , shifting in his seat. Alvaro nodded and looked at Alejandro.

"You heard that? We got ourselves a New Yorker in the building" Alejandro gave Alvaro a questionable look before chuckling and looking away. Kairi watched the interaction from across the table knowing exactly what Alvaro was trying to do. Alvaro evidently didn't like Hunter and Kairi wanted to know why.

"Uhh Alv, can I speak to you in my room please?"

"Oh but I was just starting to question your boyfrie-"

"Now Alvaro." Kairi demanded, getting up and leaving the table without a second glance. Alvaro chuckled nervously before putting his glass down and following suit.

Kairi's p.o.v
I stood in my room , tapping my foot impatiently waiting for the menace known as Alvaro. He walked in casually and stood in front of me picking at his perfectly shaped coffin acrylic nails. (I TOLD YOU HE IS A BAD BITCH IN THIS BOOOOOOK)

"What do you need Kai?" He asked innocently

"Why the fuck are you acting like that toward Hunter? From the moment he walked in you've been giving him dirty looks and rolling your eyes when he speaks"

"I don't like him" Alvaro answered shrugging as if it was nothing.


"Now are we done here because my food is gonna get cold" he turned around to walk back but I grabbed his arm.

"Alv why don't you like him?"

Alvaro turned around and looked me in the eyes. "He gives me bad vibes and you know I'm not one to pretend."

I sighed and released his arm. "Look bubba, if he truly makes you happy , go for it but don't say I didn't warn you" I nodded slightly.

"Ok I get I-"

I was cut off by a loud crash and yelling. Alvaro and I looked at each other before we both rushed outside to see what was the problem. When I got outside, I saw Mattia on top of Hunter punching him repeatedly.

"STOP" I screamed running toward him but Alejandro stopped me.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll let him" I shoved Ale off me and ran to Mattia.

"Mattia stop please you'll kill him" I screamed with tears running down my face. "Tia please" I pleaded, his hand came to a stop. He let go of an unconscious Hunter and he stood up.

"Let's go Alejandro" Mattia turned around walking out my apartment without looking back. I watched as Alejandro kissed alvaro's cheek.

"Thank you guys for having us" with that said Alejandro was gone.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked kneeling down to check on Hunter.

Mattia's p.o.v

"What the fuck was that back there Mattia ?" I heard Alejandro yell from behind me. I walked to the elevator and stepped in. "Are you gonna answer me ?"

"He's her little brother"


"Hunter, he's Katherine's little brother and he knows everything."

Ahaha I know y'all gonna hate Hunter even more now but don't worry.

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