章节 6🤍

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Kairi's p.o.v
I arrived at the restaurant, feeling the cool conditioned air circulate around , cooling me down from the 90 degree weather outside . I instantly started looking for Taylor, although we aren't close she's basically my only friend outside of Alv, Vic and Rob.

"Hey have you seen Taylor?" I asked one of my co-workers.

"Yeah she's in the back" I nodded and gave a small smile before walking toward the direction I was told. When I walked through the door I didn't see anyone which was odd.

"Taylor?" I called out, walking deeper into the break room.

"Hey Kai" I held my chest trying to compose myself from getting frightened. I swung around and there stood Taylor with a bright smile on her face showing nothing but joy. I looked her up and down before noticing what was different, unlike this morning whereby she was showing off her neck, she now had on a tick scarf. I cocked my head to the side eyeing it with utter confusion and concern.

"Oh uhh I'm cold that's why I have this on" Taylor rambled pointing stars the scarf that didn't go along with our uniform whatsoever. I shrugged and sighed, not willing to put up a fight on why she's really wearing that ugly thing.

"I got us cookies" I cheesed watching her clap in glee.

"Please tell me you got them from-"

"Yes I got them from Central Perk" (anybody else watches friends? No? Ogey 👁👄👁)

"Yes you're the best Sam" I rolled my eyes  hearing her use the beginning of my middle name. I slipped up once and left my I.D in her purse. Ever since then she's called me "Sam" , "Sammy" or "Samuel" and oh how I despise it.

"Taylor" I groaned

"I'm sorry it's just so cute I can't help it" I blushed slightly shaking my head before munching on my food she passed me a few seconds prior.

Mattia's p.o.v

"YOU DID WHAT?" Alejandro yelled staring at me with wide eyes.

"I punched him in the face so now I can't go back there"

"You can't go around punching people" Roshaun argued rolling his eyes.

"I can when they talk to my-"

"your what? Huh? Your what Mattia? Your new obsession?" Alejandro asked with a scolding look on his face. I sighed playing with my fingers.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled

"I'm the wrong on you're apologizing to, tomorrow you're going back there and apologizing to that kid"

"What? No I rather shoot myself in my foot, I might respect you guys but I'm not doing that fuck that shit" I snapped standing up and pointing at him.

A/n: a ✨filler✨ but next chapter drama will be screaming at the top of its lungs hunny 👁👄👁

The Watcher |Mairi| Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang