章节 8🤍

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Kairi's p.o.v
I calmed down a few minutes after I made the decision that I wanted revenge. My mom left shorty after, turns out my little sister needed to be picked up from school because she was 'sick'. (SHE GOT THE RONA 🗣🗣..Nah I'm jk)

"Kai" I heard as someone knocked on my door repeatedly.

"Now who in the fu- oh Alv what are you doing here?" I asked opening the door to let him in. Alvaro walked inside with a content look sitting on his face. Alvaro was my double B friend or better known as my blunt and bold friend. He didn't care about shit, his confidence shot passed the sun and tickled the necks of extraterrestrials possessing the rest of the galaxies. He wore what he wanted and yes that includes short shorts like the one he had on now. (I'm sorry but I really pictured Alvaro being a full blown fem boy in this book and I am LIVING for it)

"How are you bebesito?" He asked hugging me softly. That's the other thing, alv was also the 'cool aunt' of the group while Vic was the overprotective mother,  Robert was the strict dad and you guessed it , I was the child they oh so loved and cared for but like in any friendship the roles switch from time to time depending on the situation and who possess the hot seat.

"I'm okay I guess , just trying to accept it" I answered smiling softly.

"Aww you're so strong"

"I'm learning from your calves" we simultaneously looked down at his feet which were placed in a pair of Louis V boots. We giggled at my comment and walked to my couch.

"My outfit is cute you gotta admit"

"Yeah you look good Alv" I complimented playing with his hair as he laid his head in my lap.

"I saw Malcom earlier today, he says he regrets cheating on you" Alvaro whispered. The movement of my fingers stopped as I started thinking about what happened all over again. I might've failed to mention that Alvaro was Malcom's cousin and he sadly has to see him on Sunday's for their family dinners. It was currently 8 p.m which explains why the dinner was over. "Kai" I snapped out of my thoughts and hummed in response. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head at Alvaro and continued playing with his hair while he started rambling about how annoying one of his aunts are because she kept asking him about his love life and if he'll ever get married.

"-So I told that bitch to worry about her daughter who's sucking dick behind dumpsters at school on a daily basis" I cackled hearing the words slip out of his mouth laced with nothing but confidence and truth.

"You did not" I said giggling at him

"Bitch yes the fuck I did and that's why I'm here right now because I got kicked out"

"I thought your family dinners only last 2 hours"

"Yeah well it's my aunt's anniversary for divorcing my uncle Pablo so there was supposed to be an after party after dinner"

"Damn I'm sorry you got kicked out babe"

"Ehh it's whatever, all that would happen would be that we'd watch her get drunk and then listen to her cry about how she wants him back." I giggled and shook my head at him. I looked down at my phone seeing I had gotten a text from the unknown number. I gulped before opening the message.

Stranger :
Don't you think your friend is a little too close for comfort ? He looks like he's having too much of a good time Kai.

I looked around before scoffing. This person could come at me all day but the moment you mention my friends or my family that's my last straw. I rolled my eyes and before I could comprehend anything my fingers were moving at the speed of light and I clicked send. When I saw the message send I instantly regretted my decision, I wanted nothing more than to take it back.

Look I don't know who the FUCK you think you are but you better leave me alone because I won't hesitate to call the cops on you. Plus you sound dumb asf, if it wasn't obvious we're both bottoms you dumbass bitch.

I watched as three dots appeared at the bottom of the screen and I quickly did the only rational thing I could think of, I blocked the number.

Mattia's p.o.v
I sent my response but noticed it said message not delivered. I tried another six times and that's when I realized the son of a bitch blocked me. I smirked before laughing at the fact that he thought blocking me would get rid of me. I pulled off from his apartment building and headed back to the cafe so I can apologize to Hunter. I maybe in love with Kairi but I won't break my promise to Ale. I waited for him to come out and when I did , I got out the car and walked behind him.

"Hey Hunter wait" he turned slightly and when he saw it was me he started running. "Ugh fuck not now kid" I grunted before running after him. I caught up to him as he turned a corner. I grabbed the back of his hoodie and pushed him to the wall.

"Please don't hurt me I'll stay away from him I swear" Hunter stated with his eyes shut tight

"I'm here to apologize"

"W-what?" He asked opening his eyes slightly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of punched you, I was out of line"

"If you knew it was, then why'd you do it?"

His questioned rung in my head and it sounded more familiar the more it rung.


"Mattia stop" Katherine squealed running up the steps. I ran after her listening to her giggles roam throughout the house. I followed her into my room where she fell on my bed and I fell right on top of her. I smiled down at her as she tried to regulate her breathing. I admired her features as she stared up at me with innocent doe eyes, slowly we both leaned in and we kissed. It started off slow and soon turned passionate. Before we knew it we were naked and stripping each other of our innocence. After our heated session we put our clothes on and sat on my messy bed.

"I can't believe we did that" she said crying softly. "I h-have a boyfriend and he was supposed to be the o-one to do that to me"

"I know and I know it was wrong ,I'm so sor-"

" if you knew it was, then why'd you do it?" Katherine sniffled looking at the ground.

"Woah woah woah! You're acting like you didn't want me to d-"

"I DIDN'T WANT THIS" she yelled standing up "you-you raped me" she shrieked pointing at me.


"It's your word against mine and so help me God if someone finds out about this I will say that it was rape and you'll go to jail"


"Uhhh hello?" Hunter waved his hand in front of my face and snapped me out of my flashback. I looked at him and cocked my head to the side. "You uhh you gonna let me go?" I let go of his hoodie and stepped back.

"Sorry" I mumbled for what felt like the billionth time. He nodded and searched my face for whatever answers he wanted.

"I forgive you" he muttered "I'll talk to my boss about lifting the banned rule on you" with that he walked away into the night. As I watched him leave, I thought about the flashback I had. I felt water hit my face and I looked up expecting rain but instead it was coming from my eyes. I haven't cried in years but that memory was buried so far in my mind it was basically forgotten. I can't get over how much trouble I was in at only 14 for a girl who wanted to manipulate and control me.

we're getting deeper into Matti boys past 👀
Childhood and teen years but make it ✨ traumatic✨

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