章节 10🤍

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O m n i s c i e n t
Alejandro stares at Mattia's door contemplating on entering to see if he was okay. He's been sitting on the wooden chair facing his best friends room door since the Italian came home and without saying a word, started breaking shit in his room. You'd expect Ale to be scared and leave the home so Mattia could have time to cool down but, he knew better than to leave him home alone. Mattia has had episodes like this before whereby he'd have flashbacks and he'd flip. Although this has happened before, this was by far one of the worst one Alejandro has witnessed. With all the crashing sounds Ale was almost convinced that Mattia had broken every glass object in his room. He rolled his eyes at the thought of cleaning the huge mess knowing Mattia's next phase was one of complete and utter sadness that lead to him not leaving his bed for a few days. The younger got up, slowly dragging himself to the door bracing himself for why he was about to see. To his surprise he saw Mattia cleaning while humming softly to whatever tune was in his head.

"Uhhh matti? Are you okay? "

Mattia turned to Alejandro giving him a million dollar smile"Yeah I'm great"

Ale observed the man as he carefully picked up the pieces of broken glass and place them in a garbage bag. Ale nodded slowly before grabbing a bag from off the floor, ready to help clean.

"No, it's my mess let me clean it" Mattia demanded giving an unreadable expression. Ale sighed but nodded anyway , putting the bag down and choosing to remain in the room just to keep an eye on his friend. A comfortable silence sat between the two males as the taller focused in on cleaning and tried to suppress anymore bad memories from flooding his strained mind. Throughout his cleaning the memories came stronger, all the times his parents left him at home with a sitter who found it enjoyable to execute their sexual desires by using the boys body like an old rag. Memories of Katherine telling him she was pregnant and the child was his, memories of the cries that slipped through her pink lips as her walls were being broken down by the abortion pill she had to consume.

"I want it to stop" he whispered. Ale sighed getting up from where he once sat, walking over to Mattia.

Ale hugged the older as he sobbed like a child "I know buddy, it'll get better I promise" ale reassured before placing a soothing kiss on Mattia's head. It wasn't romantic but rather a kiss that represented love and understanding , like a kiss from a parent. Alejandro guides Mattia to the bed before having him lay down. He sighed as he heard sniffles coming from the taller and small hiccups following after.

"It hurts" Mattia whispered having the horrific memories of his childhood play over and over again. It seemed as if though Mattia could never catch a break something was always happening.

"Just get some rest Matti, you'll be okay I'm here for you" Alejandro whispered knowing that Mattia was now calming down and in his space. (In the authors note I'll explain his "space".)

Kairi's p.o.v

"Kai open the door please" I head Malcom please from the other side of the door.

"No, leave me alone Malcom" I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Please baby I'm sorry, I-I regret it so much" he mumbled, for some reason hearing his voice crack and hearing him cry made me feel bad. I sighed and opened my door but kept the safety hook on it.

"What do you want Malcom?" I whispered looking Anywhere but his eyes.

"I miss you" he croaked out, sniffling. I finally got the courage to look up at him and all I could picture was him fuckin Amber.  I bit the inside of my cheek as anger rose inside me.

"Revenge time" I thought.

I nodded and looked down "I miss you too bubba" I whispered as I closed the door, unlocking the hook and opening the door wider. "Welcome home" I said smiling softly as he walked in with a small smile on his face. All I could think about was what I'd do after I handled him the way I wanted to.

Mattia's "space" is the place he goes to when his mind gets too bad , it's basically an imaginary life he created in his head whereby he is truly happy and at peace with everything and yes as the story goes on you'll know his disorders. Although his mind was still replaying his tough childhood, he started to calm down as little by little he slipped into his space hence Alejandro whispered so he wouldn't startled him because he's basically daydreaming. 

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