Dean " Hold on, okay? Let's just put it in reverse. We will put Lucifer back in the Cage after we put Amara back on ice. It has to happen in that order, otherwise there is no Lucifer, there's no Cage, there's no nothing."

Crowley" He's spent years marinating in hate against us! He has to go."

Sam "Problem is, we may need him."

Crowley raised his eyebrows. 

Dean " He's been down this road with Amara before. He might be the only one powerful enough to use the Horn against her."

Crowley "He had me cleaning the floors with my tongue! He called me "puppy"! He made me beg!"

Dean " All right. Come on. Is this what this is about? Huh? Your stupid ego? The fact that he dissed you in front of a bunch of stupid demons? You're smarter than this. Come on!"

Sam" Dean's right. Priority is to put the Horn in Lucifer's hands and set him loose on Amara."

Dean"After we exorcise Lucifer out of Cas and put him into a new vessel."

Sam asked him surprised "What? Really?"

Dean nodded "Yes, really. We're not gonna send Lucifer into battle inside Cas. What if he doesn't make it?"

Sam" Dean, it's a strong vessel. It's held Cas for years, and we know what he's been through. I'm guessing it can hold Lucifer."

Dean " "It"? It's not an "it," Sam. It's Cas."

Sam " And Cass wanted to do this."

Dean"Yeah, well, there's times I want to get slapped during sex by Len wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea."

My jaw dropped. 

Crowley nodded, impressed. 

Sam "Dean, this is exactly how we screw ourselves. W-We make the... the heart choice instead of the smart choice."

Dean"Oh, okay. Thank you, Dr. Phil. Cas is family."

Sam nodded " Yes, and his choice deserves to be respected."

Dean  " Even if it kills him?"

Crowley" It's killing me. I would rather stick white-hot skewers in my eyes than listen to you two bitches bicker! I gave you the terms of my deal. If Lucifer's not back in the Cage, the Horn stays hidden."

Sam"You know, this is a dick move, Crowley. Even for you. You're not being reasonable."

Crowley" I don't have to be reasonable. I'm the king."

Me "A king who cleaning the floors with his tongue! Who got called "puppy"! A King Lucifer was able to get to beg. Let's face it, Lucifer bested you. Your demons don't respect you anymore. But all that could change if Lucifer disappears."

Crowley raised an eyebrow.

Suddenly there was this noise. 

Dean pulled me closer to him "What the hell was that?"

We walked outside and looked up. 

 Lightning broke through the swirling clouds, while thunder crashed.

Dean " You know what, fellas? I think that's her."

We walked back inside. 

Sam  "Okay. So now we all just saw what happens when she's in a bad mood, which, apparently, she's been in since the dawn of time."

Dean "I think she just rattled heaven with a flick of her pinkie finger. That's not a big enough dose of reality for you?"

Crowley asked irritated " Why are we arguing? We all know that he has to go back in the Cage."

Being Alive ( D.W)Where stories live. Discover now