The boys cracked open the next grave. Ashes. 

Dean groaned annoyed "Oh, COME ON!"

Sam "Bobby always was thorough."

Dean "Two ash cans, which means we're not hunting a ghost."

Sam "Told you."

Dean rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You were right for once."

I asked confused "So then what the hell are we hunting?"

Next day. At the hospital. 

Naoki was unconscious in a hospital bed. 

Dean hung up on the phone "Yeah. Thank you, I appreciate it. Bye."

Sam walked over to us "This has happened before. Just - come here."

He lead us to a woman. 

Sam "Doctor Richards. These are my partners, Special Agent Hotchner and Special Agent Rizer. This is Doctor Richards. Now she's retired, but -"

Dr. Richard  "I still have friends on staff here, so when I heard that two family members had lapsed into unexplained comas, I came in to see if I could help."

Me "So you were here when this happened before."

She nodded "Yes. Two FBI agents spoke to me about that case too."

Sam "So, what happened?"

Dr. Richards "What happened, I have no idea. The next day, mother and son woke up, both perfectly fine. Obviously I hope the same thing happens here, with these two... their vitals are failing as well. So..."

Sam nodded "Okay thank you for your time."

she nodded and walked away. 

Me "So dads and Rufus's case."

Sam "It's back, whatever it was. Is. What'd you find?"

Dean "I talked to the local PD, the actual cops that found Mary Henderson back in the day and brought her to this hospital."

Sam "Are the Hendersons still around?"

At the Henderson's house.

We got out of the Impala and walked to a woman. 

Dean "Mary Henderson? Hi, we're Special Agents..."

Mary "Oh god. Is it happening again, am I... is my son in danger?"

Dean shook his head "No, no, everything's - everything's fine. Um, but we, we would like to talk about what happened to your son."

Inside the house. 

Mary "Next thing you know, I woke up in the hospital, and one of the FBI agents told me to never touch the wallpaper in the sitting room."

Sam "Two people are in great danger. Anything you can remember - any little detail..."

Mary "I um... when I was in the coma, I had a dream. I mean it was more like a nightmare. It was like I was in the house, but it wasn't the house. Everything was dark. And it looked faded. And at first I was alone, but then I started to see things."

Dean "What'd you see exactly?"

Mary "My husband. He was dead. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, he was gone. I tried to leave the house but I couldn't. And then that's when I started to see them. Spirits, or something, I don't know. Like I said, it's all faded now, it's just - a bad dream."

Being Alive ( D.W)Where stories live. Discover now