Neighbor "A handful of years ago the FBI came here. I'm the head of the neighborhood watch, you know, so I asked the two agents what they were doing here."

Dean "And what'd they say?"

Neighbor "Not a thing. They were two of the rudest people I'd ever met."

Me "Huh. By any chance were these agents, um... elder statesmen?"

She nodded "Yeah. Friends of yours?

I grimaced, shrugging. 

Inside the house. 

We walked around with her EMF detectors. 

All three of them started to ping. 

We separated and met upstairs. 

Me "I'm getting hits everywhere down here."

Dean nodded "Yeah, upstairs as well. Alright, so what? Bobby and Rufus worked a case here back in the day?"

Sam looked unsure. 

Dean "i mean we've had houses with multiple ghosts before."

Sam "I dunno, Dean. I mean the world is small, but it's not that small."

Dean "I've got a couple of Bobby's old journals in the trunk, why don't we dig into those, dig into the history of the house, see what's what."

At a Motel. 

Sam walked to us "Get this. Manager said two FBI agents stayed here years ago. So I got the same room. For luck."

I chuckled and we walked into the room. 

Sam "There were two deaths at the house, the first was accidental, and don't laugh - a dude choked on a chicken bone. And the other was a murder, a man shot his wife."

Dean "Well, Bobby and Rufus were definitely on a ghost hunt."

He showed me Bobby's journal and i read it """Grand Rapids, Michigan... possible ghost hunt with jackass." That's all he wrote?"

Dean "Yeah I guess Bobby never got around to finishing it, slacker. Okay, so they were either hunting Chicken Bone, or Ass-Hat. One ghost breaks bad back then, the other's been marinating until now. The only problem I see is that we don't know what bones Bobby and Rufus burned, so we might have to... dig up two graves."

Sam "I dunno, Dean. I think there's more to it than that, I mean, something's not right, it's all a little too easy."

Dean "Hey, easy like Sunday morning works for me. Okay? We could wrap this up quick, get back to hunting Amara, get Cas back. I mean hey - you said it yourself, this case is supposed to be a lay-up, right?"

He walked to the door. 

Sam looked at me and i shrugged. 

Sam "Yeah but, as much as I hate to admit it, you were right. You know, I mean when have we ever had one of those?"

Dean asked him irritated "Come on. You think Bobby and Rufus wasted any time arguing about this kind of crap? Let's go!"

at the cemetery. night. 

Dean opened a casket to find the body inside has already been burned "Son of a bitch!"

Sam "Ashes."

Dean let out an exhausted breath " There's gotta be an easier way to dig graves."

Being Alive ( D.W)Where stories live. Discover now