Chapter 12 - Body of Surprises

Start from the beginning

"My friend, you're not even denying the fact that you like him! Let's celebrate and be happy!" Biddy opened two bottles of beer from the fridge.

I looked at her.

Sometimes it makes me question why I'm friends with this lunatic.

I was certain that she didn't hit her head with the paddle board earlier.

I grabbed the beer and chugged it down.

We ended up opening the bottle of champagne I received a few nights ago. The one I got after I kissed Tom.

I was still not over of how rude he was to me in front of everybody. Although a part of my brain was more upset cause he was back to being so cold despite what we had yesterday.

What we had huh? Who are you kidding?

Biddy poured some champagne into our empty beer bottles.

I tried not to think about Tom.

Biddy was telling me about Sam. Apparently, she couldn't get off the paddling board and was yelling at everyone for leaving her there. She made a scene and it was quite embarrassing apparently.

"Oh no!" I laughed. I envisioned a lovely blonde in bikinis going mad whilst on a paddle board.

"That friend of ours can be quite a diva!" Bids laughed. "She was there for a long time too, bless her."

Speaking of time, I looked at the clock and realised that it was gone eight in the evening already.

"Jeez! Where did the time go?" I stood up and took my shorts off. Even my shorts were almost dry. "I'm getting a shower then I'll order some food in. You might as well stay."

"I wouldn't say no." She took the remote control and flicked through the channels.

I jumped in the shower when I heard Biddy.

"Brent just messaged me if I want to grab some pizza! Sorry!" She shouted through the door.

"You're a traitor!"

I heard her giggle which made me laugh. She was obviously loving the attention coming from Brent.

I got out and dried myself. I noticed a big bluish mark on my left leg and my left arm that looked like a nasty bruise when I hit myself earlier. I grabbed my dressing gown and got out of the bathroom.

I was just drying my hair when I saw Biddy's cardigan on the bed. I messaged her saying she left her cardigan in the room.

I raised the sleeves of my dressing gown up to my arm as I felt a little hot from the shower.

A few moments later, I heard a light knock.

I smiled.

"That was qui---"

My smile faded when I came face to face to the last person I ever wanted to see in this planet.

I could feel my throat started to constrict.

He looked at me from head to toe.

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