-Chapter 3-

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Melanie's POV:

"Mom, you have got to be kidding me! I can't wear this! It's against my religion!" I cried jokingly.

In my mother's hands, was a white, way above knee-length dress with silver things around the waist. {picture is in media section} I mean has she not seen the way I dress? Like, I just dress in huge, bulky, tasteless clothing everyday and every occasion because I am the type of girl that loves to dress up in, well, cake-topper dresses! *screams into pillow*

"Melanie Anne Nova!" Whoa, full name bomb! "I asked you when we were shopping if you would wear this to the party, because you full well knew that this year's theme was black and white ball! You are wearing this no if, ands, or buts about it!" Mom screamed, her face turning red as her blood pressure rose.

Oops...I guess I wasn't paying attention....again. It's not my fault that I'm a lazy teenager!

"Well can I at least wear my b..."


Wow, she is scary good. Although the exact details of the shoe kinda made it less intimidating. I mean, bling is not exactly a word I would use in trash talking competition, if you know what I mean...

"Fine," I relented, "but I am wearing a baggy sweater over top!"

Mom just shook her head as she left my room.

I had spent the last two hours sitting in front of my vanity mirror, trying not to look at my ugliness, as my mom curled my hair and did my make up. Which, if you know me, is like poking a sleeping lion. I may or may not have gotten burnt 6 times because I kept trying to get away from my mother and the torture devices also known as curling wand, hairspray, and mascara.

As I pulled the dress over my head and looked at myself in the mirror, the flashbacks started.
"Go die in a hole," the blonde cheerleader snarled.

"Yeah," snickered the brunette socialite,"like you would ever have a chance with him or being friends with us!"

"Oh! Here he comes now," the red head 'geekly chic' stage whispered.

The three giggled as the brunette whipped out her phone to record my indefinite humiliation.
As my soccer playing hottie crush sauntered around the corner, my stomach clenched and I knew that if only I hadn't doodled about him in my notebooks at school, none of this would have happened. Of course Stacey would find out and make me wish that I had never been born, as Brent was her on-again off-again boyfriend. (At the time off-again.)

"Hey Brent," Stacey cooed.

"Sup Stace," Brent nodded.

"Well the girls and I were talking to Melanie and she said that you are so hot and that she has a stalker crush on you...and she actually thinks she has a chance with the most popular boy in school. I said why would he want you when he could have anyone more popular and prettier! What do you think babe," Stacey said while batting her fake eyelashes and squeezing Brent's bicep.

Brent and the girls laughed so hard, as I'm sure the whole school will be after Tamera posts the video.

Brent wiped his eyes and said,"Never ever would have happened- I'd rather kiss Ms. Thompson's gigantic neck mole...seriously what is wrong with you?! No offense, but you aren't even hot. You were average but after this no one will ever talk to you again and if you tell anyone else my parents will just make a huge donation and tell Miss Suiff to forget about it."

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