-Chapter 1-

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Melanie's POV:

"Melanie," Mom yelled up the stairs, "You're gonna be late for school!"

Ugh. I. Hate. Mondays. "Whatever, I'll be down in like five minutes!"

Total lie. I ran my fingers through my knotty, straight, boring brown-colored hair and stuck it under a plain black beanie. After I threw on a pair of tattered jeans and an oversized concert tee, I shoved my small feet into my converse.

As I turned around to leave, I caught sight of myself in the mirror. In it I saw all of my flaws, from the pimple on my chin to the size of my eyes (and my thighs for that matter). I am not pretty enough or good enough to ever have friends or ever be loved by anyone besides my single mom and my four-year-old brother Tyler. At least, that's what I was told by....


I sighed, "Coming Mom!"

As I trudged down the stairs, Mom gave me a tired look. She had long since given up on trying to get me to wear "more presentable clothing" or "the clothing that all the other 16 year old girls wear" to school. As I shoved my boring, uncomplimentary, black-rimmed, square prescription glasses onto my face, I felt little hands wrap around my huge thighs.

"Mel-Mel," Tyler cried as a huge smile lit up his chubby little face.

"Ty-Ty," I replied, shaking my head at the ridiculous nick-names we gave to each other.

"Mel," Mom said, as she tried to contain a smile.

"What! I know I'm gonna be late for school! The more you tell me, the longer it takes for me to get there!" I huffed.

"I don't have any other way to break this to you but....it's New Years Eve and uh...you have been on break from school for longer than a week so....just like the last week or so, you don't have school." She rushed as she tried, and failed at containing her giggles.

*Mentally face-palm myself*
"What!?!! I can't believe you did it again Mother! That makes three times in just one month!" I have got to get a reminder app or something...or at least a calendar!

"Well you needed to get up anyways because first of all it's 1PM and second of all we are attending the party at the hotel tonight which means..." Mom trailed off as Tyler and I interrupted her.

"You have to be there at 3 to help set up and we better put something classy on because everybody is going to be there and we have to represent the Nova family!" We shouted in unison.
Tyler and I high-fived across the table.

My mom rolled her eyes at us and told us to "be ready" as she shook her head. Mom works for The Windy-City Hotel, in fact, she was just promoted to supervising manager, whatever that is and has to work extra hard for the New Years Eve party set up this year. The hotel is huge and is very Disney princess castle-like, both on the outside and the inside. My favorite part of it is that it has little rooms and nooks to hide everywhere, which means I can escape the ballroom party and read.

Well, that was my plan at least....

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