-Chapter 4-

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Melanie's POV:

"Melanie! Get up! The next time I have to tell you....wait, I'm not even going to tell you...you're gonna get a bucket of ice water on your head!" Mom yelled.

Ugh. No snooze button on her.

"I'm up!" I called.

Unfortunately, Mom wasn't joking this time. Today is the first day back to school from Christmas break. I am not looking forward to today.
My music teacher told us that she would be giving us our projects that we will be working on for the next 3 months and they will be worth 40% of our final grade.

Ms. Robertson did this to her junior class every year. Nobody knows what her huge project will be ahead of time, and the long-standing joke is....neither does she. She told us that this one was her best ones yet but....I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I quickly braided my messy bed head and stuffed it under a blue-gray beanie. (Mom got it for me for Christmas saying that I "need to wear more colors than black and I know you won't wear anything pink...".) I threw on a distressed pair of boot cut jeans and an oversized black sweatshirt, which I paired with my lilac vans. (I don't know why I can deal with colorful footwear but color on anything else is not happening...)

As I walked into the kitchen, a little giggly bundle of energy latched onto my leg.

"Tyler!" I exclaimed.

He giggled and said, " I'm not Tyler, I'm Cap'n 'Merica!"
Tyler stepped aside to gesture at his Captain America costume, complete with fake abs, shield, and cape.

Oh boy.
I giggled, "Well shouldn't you be saving the world right now Cap'n?"

Tyler shook his head erratically, "No. Mommy said that super heroes can't save the day without eating the most important meal of the day!"

"That's right so eat your eggs before they get cold. You too, Mel," Mom said.

"I can't or I will miss the bus!"

"Yeah, yeah...at least grab an apple!" Mom shouts after me.


Grabbing an apple, I haul my bag on my shoulder and run to the bus stop.

Maybe it will snow...the gray skies look pretty promising. Fingers crossed, I hop onto the bus.

Keeping my head down as I head to the back of the bus. Unfortunately the universe wasn't on my side this morning as I suddenly run into someone and drop my bag.

"Watch where you're going!" I groaned.

"Sorry, I did- Melanie?!"


Hey! I finally updated...
Obvious cliffhanger... who do you think it is?
Hope you enjoyed that short chapie!

-Natalie ❤


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