Chapter 36:

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOBO!" I yell jumping on his bed

He groans and puts pillow over his face to block out the noise

"GET UP BIRTHDAY BOY!!! TODAY IS YOUR SWEET 16!!!" I yelled getting on all fours on his bed

"5 more minutes" he groans

"No!" I yell taking the pillow off his face.

I kiss his cheek

"Fine no kissing all day today!" I said smirking

He jolts out of bed and i smile

I stand up on his bed and stand in front of him with my hands on his shoulder

"Happy Birthday Baby" i smiled going to kiss his lips but kiss his cheek then get off the bed

"Hey!" He whined

"Get ready birthday boy!" I yelled going to my room to get ready. Kathy and I have been up since 6 in the morning because we had to do last minute things and find out when Alex's flight will be landing

After i finished getting dressed and covering my black eye. I go downstairs and see Kathy sitting in the living room drinking her coffee

"Good morning Kathy" i smiled

"Morning Natalie, nice yelling" she chuckled

"He wouldn't wake up so i told him we couldn't kiss all day" i said

"So he's up?" She asked

"Yeah" i smiled

"Good" she said sipping her coffee

Just then Noah comes down with red shorts and a red muscle shirt, he spiked his hair and put in his earrings and hand his red sunglasses on.

"Can I have my kiss now?" He asked

"Did you brush your teeth?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"Nope" i smirked

"Fuck you" he joked

I laughed

"Happy Birthday Noah" Kathy said hugging him

"Thanks Mom" he smiled kissing her cheek

He takes his phone out of his pocket and smiled. I got over to him and wrap my arms around him from behind and watch him as he replies to the 10 texts he has gotten so far.

I let go and go get an apple and bite into in.

He comes over and puts his hands on my waist and steals a bite out of my apple.

"Loser" i joke and finish my apple placing it in the garbage.

He was going to kiss me till Kathy calls

"Lets go Noah we don't want to me late!" She yells

He groaned and leaves the kitchen and gets his bag.

"I'm going to miss you today" he pouts.

I get in the back with him

"Holy god, she's sitting in the back" Noah says shocked

I chuckle

I stick out my tongue at him and he smirks

"So what restaurant are we eating at?" He asked

"You pick" Kathy said

"Mother Tuckers it is" he smiled

Kathy and I smiled

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