Chapter 10:

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{Cassidy's P.O.V}

We were currently getting ready for the hockey game tonight. Noah is still upstairs and Nat is sitting on the couch with her phone. I walked over to her.

"Whats wrong?" i asked

She just sat there as tears rolled down her face

"I think Noah and I are drifting apart, i have a feeling he is keeping something from me and i don't know what. No one told me what happened to him and he hasn't even talked to me yet since i have been out of the hospital" she said with a shaky voice

I nodded and looked away

"Sorry" i said then got up to talk to Austin

I pulled him aside

"Whats up with Noah?" i asked sternly

He looked away

"I know you know, NOW TELL ME!" i yelled sternly

"Alright, alright" he said putting his hands up in defense

"Tell me now!" I sternly said

"Just keep quiet alright" he said in a whisper

I motioned for him to move on and get on with the point

"Noah and Maddie had a thing last week. Once we brought you home, Maddie came over and they made out. Once she left he regretted and was never able to look at Nat because of it. Plus this whole Mitchell thing pissed him off, it just made it worst" He said with a sad face.

"Just please don't tell Nat, Noah wants to do it" he added

I couldn't believe it. He cheated on her...My best-friend just got cheated on by the guy she really likes. I even feel heart broken, wait till she finds out...i won't be able to give him much time i might burst.

"I'll give him till Sunday to tell her or i am" i said then walking away.

Natalie was now standing with Noah.

I can't even look at him he is just making it worse by hugging her right now.

Maybe they talked

"So what did you and Austin do eh?" Justin said

"Nothing" i said angrly

"Geez don't get your panties in a bunch" he said walking away

Austin then came up

"You ready?" he said

The guys all nodded and left the door Natalie stopped and turned to me

"You coming?" she said happily?

I nodded sadly knowing she doesn't know.

We got to the arena.

Natalie went and gave Noah a quick kiss and came running with a smile

We sat down next to Noah's parents, Alex's parents and Nat's

I still can't look at Nat or Noah.

I feel bad for her.

Good thing she isn't going to school tomorrow because Maddie would have told her.

It was second period and we were winning 5-1 the other teams goalie sucked.

Natalie kept smiling and i was just pissed

Mitchell and I kept looking at each other.

I feel even more bad, because Nat gets everything kept from her, even when she tells us everything.

I think i have feelings for Mitchell....

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