Chapter 4:

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Stupid alarm clock.....

I shut it off and sat up.

God i'm in so much pain. Head to Toe.

I was sitting at the edge of the bed.

I stood up and went to walk but couldn't

My ankle......

I wrapped it with the tenser bandage i had and walked to go to the bathroom.

I did my stuff.

I put my blue and black short shorts on along with Noah's black sweater.

It still smelt like him.

I got my money for lunch, even thought i may not eat but.

I grabbed my bus pass and off i went.

Alex was meeting me at the bus stop because Noah was still sick.

So here i am limping my way to the bus stop

"NAT WAIT!" i heard Alex yell from behind me

I stopped and turned around

"You still linping?" he asked

Wait how does he know? Anyways.

"Yeah, it's hurts and so does my body from my sunburn" i said walking with him

•at school•

I just finished English now it's lunch time...

"You having lunch with us guys or?" Austin asked since he was in my English class

"I don't know" i said starting to walk away

"Yes she is" Alex said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him

Fuck Maddie is coming....

"Wheres Noah did you give him an STD?" Maddie said walking with her 'possy'


But it hurt to

She just flicked her hair and walked away

I sat in silence the whole lunch time

•home time•

Tough time in gym hurt my ankle even more because i didn't have a note i had to play...

Again me being an athletic person i pushed myself to far.

I need a break.

I was walking home by my self when my phone started ringing

N: Hey Cass

C: Hey, are you going to the boys last game tonight before play offs?

N: i might...

C: why does it sound like you have been crying?

N: thats because i have and still am

C: why? whats wrong?

N: My ankle hurts like a bitch, Maddie is being a dick, and i'm in so much pain it hurts to breath...i miss Noah....

C: you need to take a break off that ankle before it gets even worse. Don't let Maddie get to you, i know your stronger and plus she is a girly girl. And for Noah just don't think about it. He is sick and all you can do is just wait.

N: thanks Cass

C: no problem

N: are you gonna go?

C: yeah Alex's Dad is coming to get me,

N: I will let you know because i know the game doesn't start till 8 and they have to be there at 7 so i'll let you know around 5:30 okay? Or i'll text Alex

C: alright hopefully see you soon

N: yup

I just got home i'm lying down in my bed because i'm in so much pain, just before i am about to fall asleep my mom walks in

"How you feeling" she asks as she sits at the end of my bed

"Miserable" i said

"Do you want to stay home tomorrow and Wednesday if you need to?" she asked

"Would it be okay?" i asked just to make sure

"Yes, because i am also bringing you to the doctors" she said

"Do you think i can go to the game tonight?" i asked in a hopeful voice

"If you want to. Is Noah playing?" she asked

"No" i said

"Well if you want to you can go" she said

"Thanks mom" i said

I must have fallen asleep because i was being awoken by my phone ringing

N: hello?

A: hey are you coming or no

N: sorry i didn't text i was sleeping

A: i can see that are you coming were waiting outside

N: alright be down in a sec Alex

I hung up then went downstairs in full on pain

{Cassidy's P.O.V}

She really does look miserable and in pain.

She got into the front seat and didn't even look at herself in the mirror she just laid her head on the window

"You alright there Natalie?" Bobby asked

Bobby is Alex's dad

"Mhm" she said clearly in a lot of pain

"It doesn't look like it" he said keeping his gaze on the road

"I am" she said

•Game (3 period)•

It was 3rd period and Natalie is just sitting in the corner watching in silence

I feel bad for her.

Noah and Maddie talk all the time. Noah is trying to get them both to be friends but Noah doesn't know how bad it is.

The IceHounds were losing by 2 with 1:00 left.

Alex had the puck

He passed to Austin then Austin passed it right back

Alex took a shot and

"YEAAAAHHHH!" we all yelled

We clapped and cheered while Nat just sat there.

Austin got another goal and now it's shootout because OverTime we already did.


Shootout starts

Natalie already went to the car

Alex misses

Other team scored

Austin gets it in

Other team scores

Justin gets it in

Other team misses

Mitchell goes and gets it in

WE WON!! 4-3

{Natalie's P.O.V}

What a day. I'm falling asleep so goodnight

As soon as i hit that pillow i was out.

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