Prologue: *got deleted*

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Hey, i'm Natalie Stewart and i'm 15 years old, i was born on June 18th, i have long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I have a boyfriend named Noah Coleman and we have been dating for 8 months. I'm 5'6 and he is 5'9

Noah has two very best friends and there names are Justin and Alex. He is also really good friends with my cousin Austin, which he still doesn't know yet because i find it weird.

Noah has spiky dirty blonde hair (brown and blonde mix) he has his ears pierced.

Noah, Justin, Alex and Austin all play hockey for the IceHounds.

Noah, Alex and Austin play tackle football for the Devils. I play touch football for the Devils.

I have a really good friend named Cassidy. She has medium length dirty blonde hair. She goes to North Star High School while the rest of us go to East Wood High

I know, weird names for schools right?

Anyways I hope you enjoy this book

A Life Of A Teenage GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang