Chapter 31:

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*3 weeks later*

Noah has been home for awhile now, he is doing a bit better. Alex broke up with Cassidy because he is moving. I'm packing to go visit my mom, dad and brother. Noah is staying home. I'm going all by my lone some.

"Nat you ready?" Kathy called from down the hall.

I opened my bedroom door

"Yeah just a minute" i yelled back

I put my laptop in my carry on along with chargers and my neck rest for the plane ride.

I went downstairs with my suitcase in one hand and my carry on in the other. Once i got down stairs i set everything down only to be embraced in a hug. He held my waist and he smiled down at me.

"I'm going to miss you" he said frowning

"I'll see you 2 days before school starts" i said

"Yeah thats like 3 weeks away" he kept frowing

I went on my tippy toes and kissed his lips. I rested my hands on his shoulder while we kissed.

"Sorry to be rude but we got to go" Kathy laughed

We pulled away. I gave Noah one last hug and kiss

"I'll try and call or text as much as i can" i said then left.

"I love you" he yelled

"Love you too" i yelled back.


"Mom" i said hugging her tight.

"I missed you" i said kissing her cheek.

"Lets go, your dad and brother are waiting at home" she said as she helped me by carrying my carry on.

"So anything new around here? Hows it like living in Miami?" i asked

"It's beautiful here, the beach and sun are amazing" my mom said

"So anything new?" i asked again

"Wait till we get home" she smiled

I laughed and we drove in a good silence to the radio playing.


After about an hour drive, i'm finally at my parents new place. This place is huge

"We have a pool in the backyard but if it's raining we can still swim because theres a roof" my mom said as she pulled up in the long big drive way.

"This is so out of this world" i said in shock at how amazing and big it is.

"Your room has a big bathroom, i huge walk in closet, and i huge ass room that you can decorate" my mom smiled

"I just want to see the inside" i said rushing to go inside.

Once i opened to door it was a big open foyer, and i was greeted by a small dog.

"Holy shit is so cute" i said getting on my knees and petting the dog.

"Her name is Roxie, she is a peer bread Yorkshire Terrier" dad said coming around the corner. I gently put Roxie down and ran to give my dad a huge ass hug.

"I'm Luke and i'll be your tour guide" i heard from behind me.

"LUKE!" i screamed, i turned around and jumped right into his arms for a hug.


After taking a tour of the house and seeing my room which is like another house but only one room. They have something to tell me. So were gathered in the family room right now. I have Roxie on my lap and i'm petting her. She is so ducking cute. (i meant to say ducking)

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