Chapter 21:

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{Cassidy's P.O.V}

I woke up cuddled into Austin's chest

"Morning babe" i heard his voice say quietly

I looked up and smiled

"Morning" i replied

He smiled

He leaned down and kissed my lips

"You hear laughing to right?" he asked

I laughed a little

"Uhuh" i said agreeing to him heading laughing

I still can't believe i'm dating Austin Myers.

Then i heard voices

"Noah shut up" i heard Nat say then laugh more

I smiled and shook my head.

I then noticed a window open

"Wanna go see what they are doing?" Austin asked

"Sure let's go" i said

We got out of bed and left the bedroom

I walked up to there door and listened

"Noah, you such an idiot pick it up" i heard Nat say still laughing

Austin started laughing

"Fine, you crackhead" Noah replied

"Fuck you donkey" she laughed

I knocked

The door swung open with Natalie standing there with a really red face and still laughing

"Whats going on?" Austin asks

"Assface over there dropped his drink onto the floor and the glass broke and the coke is everywhere and yeah" she said

"Shhh" i heard Noah say

Austin and I laughed

She let us in and Noah was to busy cleaning up his mess to say hi

{Natalie's P.O.V}

I couldn't sleep last night so Noah stayed up with me and told me so many things about him. I'm not gonna lie i cried and got mad but then i got happy again because every time he smiles it makes my life a much better place.

One thing he told me was that he tried killing himself while i was in the coma because they were saying i might not make it through.

Another was that he kissed Maddie before again but he was sober, he said he liked it but he much rather kiss me.

The worst of it all that made me start bawling, was that Noah cut when i was in the coma and when i was mad at him, he say the thought of losing me scares him.

But all in all i'm really happy he told me everything. He said he has urges sometimes to cut so i said if he ever cuts again i will start. I told him he needs to tell me, i talked to him a lot.

It was just a great night.

I'm done laughing about Noah having to clean his mess were actually leaving Miami early because Noah's closest cousin has a wedding and Noah needs to go and he is inviting me so that will be fun.

Plus Luke and Nicole want to go to Paris so yup.

•hours later•

Noah and I are relaxing on the beach.

"Nice day out?" Noah asks

I smiled and look at him

"You look cute" i said

He smiles

"Stop" i said seriously

He looks at me confused and sad

"I mean stop being so cute, you kill me with your cuteness" i said laughing

He smiled

He leans over and i lean over to

He kisses my lips

"Well you kill me every second i look at you" he says

I look away and blush

"Been awhile since i seen you blush" he says

"I love you" i said

"I love you too babygirl" he replies

I smile


Tomorrow is our last day in Miami we leave at 5:30 in the morning the next day. Tomorrow is our last full day.

We just finished eating Checkers (it's better then McDonalds) which is amazing and the bomb

My parents and Luke are gone with Nicole's parents and Nicole.

Noah, Austin, Cass and I are just chilling at Lukes

Austin and Cass are probably watching a movie, Noah is showering and i'm in the music room.

"Hey babe" i heard Noah say

I smiled and turned around

"Hi" i said

"Whatcha doing?" he asked

"Just playing this wonderful purple piano" i replied

He nodded

"Well since tomorrow is our last day do you want to just hang with your family in Miami, i can third wheel with Austin and Cass all day" he says with a laugh at the end

I kiss his cheek and hug him

"Oh how i love you" i whispered in his ear

I felt him smile

"I love you too" he said as we pulled away

Luke and Nicole just got home because i can hear them laughing

I go downstairs with Noah

"Hey crazy people" Luke said

I laughed

"Hello Lucas" i said then burst into laughter

"Alright Natalia" he said

I stopped laughing and gave him a death glare then started laughing again

"She's tired" Noah said

I just laughed even more

Noah, Cass and Austin said bye

We left and got home

I can't stop laughing

Noah brought me into my room and i fell asleep instantly

{Noah's P.O.V}

Well now it's quite

I'm sleeping in my normal room that is shared with Austin and Cass is gonna be with Nat

Tomorrow is gonna be one heck of a day.

A Life Of A Teenage GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora