Chapter 13:

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Today is Sunday.

Plans for today are.

Going to the mall with Alex, Cass, and Noah.

Later tonight i'm going to the movies with Austin.

Right now Cass and I are getting dressed and getting ready for going to the mall.

It's 10:00 right now.

I'm dressed in my jean short shorts and a crop top that says 'Mahomie' my birthday is on Saturday this week.

Cass is wearing her jean short shorts and a crop top that says 'Like A Boss'

I put in my belly piercing since it was out because of the bus accident

The cuts were still there but they faded

I put my hair into a messy bun and so did Cass

I put on my blue Supra's while Cass put on her DC's

We walked downstairs to Alex and Noah.

"Wow babe" he said with a smile

I laughed and went to get my phone on the kitchen table

We walked to the mall.

Once we got there. I got really thirsty

"I'm thirsy" i said

Noah then leaned down and kissed my lips

"Better?" he asks jokingly

"Yes totally" i says sarcastically

"StartBucks?" Cass asks

I nodded my head with a smile

The line was huge

We got in line.

I wrapped my arms around Noah from behind and rested my head on his back

"Awe" I heard Cass say

I laughed

We finally got to the line

"1 Venti Double Chocolaty Chip, and 2 Grande Caramel Fraps" Noah said

"Name for the Double Chocolaty Chip" the casher asks

"Noah and Natalie" Noah says

"And for the 2 caramel fraps?" he asked

"Cassidy and Alex" Cassidy said

We sat at a table and waited for our drinks.

I was sitting on Noah's lap.

He had his arms around my waist, i'm playing with his fingers while everyone else talks.

My phone started ringing

Austin: hey

N: herro

Austin: hows the mall?

N: good

"Is that Austin?" Noah asked

I nodded

Austin: Noah?

N: yuppers

Austin: alright so what movie

N: i really wanna see Godzilla

Austin: alright what time?

N: okay and 8:45

Austin: perfect thats a time

N: yay

Austin: so i'll pick you up at 8:20

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