Chapter 29:

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I woke up to people talking, i just kept my eyes closed to listen

"He is in surgery right now, he wasn't doing so well last night, He might have caught sometthing serious in Cuba and is just showing now, because we didn't know the first time he was sick" i heard a doctor say

" W- What type of surgery" Kathy said with a shaky voice

"Heart transplant, we are having on flown in right now, were just getting a bug out of his blood right now before we put the new heart in" the doctor said

I felt tears rolling down my face then someone start rubbing my back

I sighed but kept 'sleeping'

"Is he going to be okay?" Dave asked

"Yes he will" the doctor said with confidence. I heard the door open the close and more tears fell

"What are we gonna do about Nat?" i heard Austin's voice say

"She's gonna freak" i heard Cass say

"I- I heard everything" i said crying

Austin brought me right into a hug and cried harder

'Your parents are leaving soon, wouuld you like me to drive you home to say bye?" Kathy asked

I slowly nodded.

The car rde is verry silent, we just got to my place. I quickly unbuckled myself and ran inside

I ran right into my moms arms

"Sweetie whats wrong?" sh asked while rubbing my back

"Noah isn't doing well" i heard Kathy say

I pulled away and she kissed my forehead

"It's gonna be okay" she said

I nodded and went to say bye to my dad

"I'll see you in 2 weeks when and if everything is okay" i said then left


I'm quietly siting on Noah's bed, Austin, Alex, Ccass and Kathy are all here, Dave is at work and Alyssa is at dance

"Are you hungry?" Cass asked me

I shook my head and contiuned playing with my fingers.

{Cassidy's P.O.V}

We have been asking her that for 3 hours and thats all she does is shake her head and play wih her fingers. She has been none stop just staring off into space and playing with her fingers.

"Nat you need to eat" Kathy says worriedly

Nat shook her head again and continued playing with her fingers

"Please?" Austin asked

She shook her head again.

I sighed

"So hows life?" Alex asked Austin

"Good, football sucks without Noah there" Austin says

"Everything sucks without Noah being around" Alex says

"Agreed" Austin says

The door opens and a doctor comes in

"Mrs. Colemen, can we speak to you?" The doctor asks

"Yes" she said getting up.

She left and Natalie cried more, Austin went over and held her for comfort.

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